Living in Harmony with Yourself: The Triple Trinity of Body, Mind, and Spirit

Written by Alice Steinbart

Continued from page 1

Respect your mind. Quitrepparttar name-calling. Stop putting ego down or seeing it as something to be controlled, even an enemy to your spiritual self. Mind has its role and can be seen as positive. Rather than controlling, me-driven, and selfish, we could just as easily say mind wants to take care of, protect, help; qualities we normally call selfless. Mind lets us live in this world, sees that we are fed, safe. It partakes inrepparttar 125511 beauty around us, can see wonder, learn, soar. Pigeon-holing mind as negative is not harmony.

Pay attention to your spiritual needs. Don’t wait until you face death. Getting caught up inrepparttar 125512 demands of daily living is not harmony.

Each has its needs, fromrepparttar 125513 most basic torepparttar 125514 ultimate. Each has its role. If it doesn’t play its role or its needs are not met, then there is disharmony. Living in disharmony is no fun.

If your trinity is in disharmony is it possible for any one aspect to meet its needs?

Can mind achieve self-actualization or even love, connectedness, and feeling part of, if it ignores body and spirit? Can spirit achieve peace and wisdom by denigrating body and mind? Can body achieve health, wellness, and feeling good, when mind and spirit are not involved?

Hearing Each aspect has its own way of communicating.

Body feels. Body feels well or ill or tired or vigourous. Body communicates by feeling.

Mind talks. And talks and talks and talks. We call it our inner voice. Mind also has an outer voice which we use to communicate with other people.

Spirit knows. You have this sense of knowing. That’s why you need to get quiet to pick up spirit’s communications; because it doesn’t have a voice that talks. Spirit just knows.

Harmony When body, mind, and spirit are living in harmony, our lives, our energy will be in flow. Flow means everything works, everything comes easy.

Body is in a state of health and well-being.

Mind is calmly and efficiently operating inrepparttar 125515 material world.

Spirit is centered and connected.

This is harmony.

©Alice Steinbart 2003

Alice Steinbart operates an online publishing house under the name of Non-Books ( What are non-books? They’re short, easy to read manuals, guides, reports, booklets, articles, and collections; to give you short bites of entertainment or to get you the information you are looking for fast.

Polish cooking, Healthy seven components cocktail

Written by Lechu

Continued from page 1

1. one cup of soy milk 2. three table spoons of yogurt 3. three tablespoons of flax seed 4. one heaping teaspoon of cocoa or coffee 5. five dried prunes or apricots 6. one quarter of lemon, with peel or a slice of fresh ginger 7. one banana

You can buy these ingredients at many stores in many countries.

Mix everything in a blender, until its texture resembles that of a heavy cream. Ifrepparttar final product is too thick, add more soy milk, and mix. If it is too thin or not sweet enough – add one more banana. You may add some cinnamon for taste.

We have testimonials from some of our high ranking readers onrepparttar 125510 efficiency of this cocktail. Suzan O. states: “This is a wonderful cocktail, I drink it frequently. Everybody in my neighborhood knows now about my regularity. Also my husband’s prostate, after drinkingrepparttar 125511 cocktail for less than half a year, shrunk fromrepparttar 125512 size of a cantaloupe, torepparttar 125513 size of cantaloupe’s seed. I even fedrepparttar 125514 cocktail to our eighteen year old, spayed cat. Can you believe – we now have seven wonderful kittens!”


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