Little Known Facts About Changes In Our Diet

Written by Timothy Robinson

Continued from page 1

Here are a few examples of what we were eating inrepparttar 1970's compared to our diet today (information is taken from a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture survey):

- We are currently eating more grain products, but almost all of them are refined grains (white bread, etc.). Grain consumption has jumped 45 percent sincerepparttar 142856 1970s, from 138 pounds of grains per person per year to 200 pounds! Only 2 percent ofrepparttar 142857 wheat flour is consumed as whole wheat.

- Our consumption of fruits and vegetables has increased, but only becauserepparttar 142858 U.S.D.A. includes French fries and potato chips as a vegetable. Potato products account for almost a third of our "produce" choices.

- We're drinking less milk, but we've more than doubled our cheese intake. Cheese now outranks meat asrepparttar 142859 number one source of saturated fat in our diets.

- We've cut back on red meat, but have more than made up forrepparttar 142860 loss by increasing our intake of chicken (battered and fried), so that overall, we're eating 13 pounds more meat today than we did back inrepparttar 142861 1970s.

- We're drinking three times more carbonated soft drinks than milk, compared torepparttar 142862 1970's, when milk consumption was twice that of pop.

- We use 25 percent less butter, but pour twice as much vegetable oil on our food and salads, so our total added fat intake has increased 32 percent.

- Sugar consumption has been another cause of our expanding waistlines. Sugar intake is simply offrepparttar 142863 charts. According torepparttar 142864 U.S. Department of Agriculture, people are consuming roughly twicerepparttar 142865 amount of sugar they need each day, about 20 teaspoons on a 2000 calorie/day diet. The added sugar is found mostly in junk foods, such as pop, cake, and cookies.

- In 1978,repparttar 142866 government found that sugars constituted only 11 percent ofrepparttar 142867 average person's calories. Now, this number has ballooned to 16 percent forrepparttar 142868 average American adult and as much as 20 percent for American teenagers.

The days ofrepparttar 142869 wholesome family dinners so near and dear to our hearts, where we all sat aroundrepparttar 142870 kitchen table to discuss events ofrepparttar 142871 day, are now a part of our sentimental past. They have been replaced by our cravings for take-out and fast-food. We have gradually come to accept that it's "OK" to sacrifice healthy foods forrepparttar 142872 sake of convenience and that larger serving portions mean better value.

And, since I have been throwing-out statistics, here's one more: Americans are consuming about 300 more calories each day than we did twenty years ago. We should actually be eating less because of our decreased activity level, but instead are doingrepparttar 142873 opposite!

Decide TODAY that healthy eating and exercise habits will become a permanent part of your life!

Begin to explore your values and thoughts and other areas of your life where change may be required, and then take action. Begin slowly, but deliberately to make improvements inrepparttar 142874 areas you identify. And remember, it has taken a very long time to develop your habits, and it will take some time to undo them…so be patient!

Tim Robinson is the owner of
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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #5

Written by Tami Close

Continued from page 1

Last week I worked with a client who had an amazing break through. Her core issue was not forgiving herself for making mistakes in her second marriage, which led to divorce. She has been very hard on herself for seven years because she thought she asked allrepparttar right questions and should have known better. I did chakra work with her andrepparttar 142655 message was loud and clear…..FORGIVE YOURSELF. (Incidentally, I will explain chakra work in another lesson).

Now, while looking intorepparttar 142656 mirror, take your right hand and form a fist and rub overrepparttar 142657 heart and repeat out loud:

Even though I have hadrepparttar 142658 issue of not forgiving myself, I deeply love and accept myself and this issue is healed. Divine Love floods my whole body with light and every cell is filled with love. Say this ten times.

In addition, whilerepparttar 142659 mirror is in front you, tell yourself, “You look marvelous, baby!!”

How do you feel? Stupendous! Awesome! Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious! (Okay, I am a fan of Mary Poppins and I love that word).

Practice! Practice! Practice! (Affirmations, Rapid Eye, Emotional Freedom Techniques, gratitude, forgiveness). The more you do it,repparttar 142660 more it just becomes natural to bring in allrepparttar 142661 positives and surround yourself with them. Your ideal weight is already here. Believe it! Know it! Expect it!

I appreciate you and your efforts and am so grateful that you’re part of my life. I am sending you pink light energy. Hug yourself with this light and be surrounded in love.

Love and hugs,

Tami Close

Tami Close uses an integrative method, including cleansing products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom.

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