Little Box of Dreams

Written by Dustin Rhodes

Continued from page 1

I tear a sheet of blank paper into 10 equal size pieces and on each piece, I write one desire as if it were already accomplished. I read that desire over aloud several times as I close my eyes and visualize in my mindrepparttar accomplishment of that desire. I burn that image into my inner most being. Then I fold that piece of paper several times, then place it in my "little box" and then move ontorepparttar 123188 next desire, until all 10 pieces of paper are neatly tucked away intorepparttar 123189 box.

The "little box" is then taken torepparttar 123190 closet and placed inrepparttar 123191 back of a tall closet shelf. Hidden away from sight.

365 days later, I take out my "little box" and read each piece of paper, amazed that most of my desires have become reality.

I was so impressed, that each year, I take one afternoon for myself and I write my desires forrepparttar 123192 next year. I place those "desires" into a small cardboard box and I releaserepparttar 123193 "desires" from my mind and this sets into motion a chain reaction of circumstances and occurances that brings my dreams to reality.


Get your "little box" and see for yourself..

Dustin Rhodes "the Internet Cowboy" has authored several Internet Marketing ebooks, his articles have been published in numerous newsletters and magazines; and publishes the weekly business ezine: Intelligent eMarketing Digest. For online marketing and promotion information visit:

This was not my Plan

Written by graham and julie

Continued from page 1

Just think for a moment:

How many times have you buried our head inrepparttar sand. Kept focussed on something that was finished, used up, dry.

How many times have you kept travelling onrepparttar 123187 same path,repparttar 123188 same road through habit even though there is nothing there.

How many times have you decided to change jobs but ensure you look forrepparttar 123189 same type of job. Staying withinrepparttar 123190 boundaries you know.

What is it about us that we prefer to stick torepparttar 123191 boring, frustrating, easy option rather than exert ourselves, apply our minds and go for what we are capable of achieving.

What is it inside us that prefersrepparttar 123192 easy path even though we have to tell lies to ourselves that it is best for us and our families.

What is it that when we are not earning enough we reduce our outgoings, scrape a living and then tell ourselves how lucky we are.

Why do we accept second best?

We often accept second best because we have come to accept it asrepparttar 123193 norm. Often, at some stage in our lives we have hadrepparttar 123194 experience of someone important to us constantly criticising our actions, giving us their opinion of where we were going wrong or judgingrepparttar 123195 way we look, behave or speak. The result is that we have come to accept these projections as true and embrace them as our natural behaviour.

Do you have an inner voice that says what you: ought, should, must do?

Or does your voice constantly criticise you and tell you that you are not good enough, who do you think you are, that wont work etc.

Instead of acceptingrepparttar 123196 labels others have given you and you have attached to yourself listen to and accept your strengths, be open torepparttar 123197 opportunities that come your way. In a phrase: BE OPEN TO CHANGING YOUR PLANS.

It’s OK to change your plan. I doesn’t matter how many people you have told. In our experience; finding your true potential cannot be found by followingrepparttar 123198 advice of others. Neither can it be found by watching and copyingrepparttar 123199 behaviours of others. The answer is in you. Listen to your strengths, be open torepparttar 123200 opportunities that come your way.

Graham and Julie

Graham and Julie live in the Canary Islands where they pursue their love for writing, photography and spirituality. To see more of their work please go to:

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