Link Swapping - The Best Traffic Generator

Written by Pamela Heywood

Continued from page 1

One way you can try it is by usingrepparttar little add-on that Alta Vista provides. That kindly adds an option (in Internet Explorer 5) torepparttar 125184 Tools alongrepparttar 125185 menu, called "Find pages linking to this URL" - thus go to your's or your competitor's page and hitrepparttar 125186 button. Downloadrepparttar 125187 tool here:

There is also specific syntax you can enter into each search engine's box, which will make it look for a URL, rather than for keywords. They all seem to have different requirements.

Many of those are listed in an excellent article, Web & Search Engine Facts You Need to Know to Winrepparttar 125188 Marketing Game, By David Gikandi. The article has a lot of information on each ofrepparttar 125189 major search engines and how they work, including "How to check how many pages link to your site". David is a programmer at ( A copy ofrepparttar 125190 article can be found at:

Also, there are several of these specific syntax requirements listed in Boogie Jack's Webmaster Tips program, FREE download and well worth it, from: ipaday.html

Once you have found your targets, visitrepparttar 125191 sites, findrepparttar 125192 webmaster's email address and write offering a link swap. Personaliserepparttar 125193 email, stressrepparttar 125194 benefits torepparttar 125195 other party - it will benefit their traffic and search engine rankings too - and you should have a reasonable success rate.

One quick boost, following alongrepparttar 125196 principles above, is to participate in a simple system called Search Engine Beater

Pamela Heywood is webmistress of - Building Your Online Business Instinctively. Subscribe to the weekly TuCats Mewsletter (sic) and get regular FREE hints, tips, articles and resources.

Five Point Plan for Promotion

Written by Pamela Heywood

Continued from page 1

1. Build subscribers to your newsletter and keep sending them back to your site for something; offers, content, freebies. These will be your best customers: your best sales force. Concentrate on building rapport with them and above all make it real easy for them to recommend your site. Consider and give them an incentive for doing so.

2. Submit to search engines once a month. Your daily chore is to ensure that your site is fresh, your META tags in place, your links live, etc. I recommend You can use it for FREE or pay a small amount to have your details kept inrepparttar system to simplify repeat submissions. You will find allrepparttar 125183 information and guidance you'll ever need right there and this service works. You get listed.

3. Concentrate on getting reciprocal links with other sites which are similar to and complimentary to yours. There are specialist directories for finding people who want to swap links, try or userepparttar 125184 search engines and find out who is linked to your competitors. Write and propose swaps torepparttar 125185 webmasters. You'll get as much, if not more, targeted traffic from these links than you will fromrepparttar 125186 search engines, plus having links back to your site will improve your ranking onrepparttar 125187 latter because ofrepparttar 125188 wayrepparttar 125189 link-popularity algorithms work. Make sure those who link to you are listed onrepparttar 125190 search engines. Do it for them if they are not.

4. Once a day, submit classifieds ads, promotion to lists and newsgroups (only where appropriate).

5. Repeat steps 1-4 incessantly.

Pamela Heywood is webmistress of - Building Your Online Business Instinctively. Subscribe to the weekly TuCats Mewsletter (sic) and get regular FREE hints, tips, articles and resources.

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