Light On in Life

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

Do you agree with this Biblical truth? Askrepparttar Lord to help you with your unbelief. Your life is too valuable to God, to this world, to miss living with impact simply because you can’t get this truth into your heart. All things are possible to him who believes, according torepparttar 143590 Bible. Why would someone not believe that her life is meaningful? Many have been told that they were a mistake. Many have believedrepparttar 143591 lie ofrepparttar 143592 enemy that they are just a lump of flesh, suspended in space and time, to exist and then die. But this is not true.

The Bible says that you are made inrepparttar 143593 image and likeness of God. The Bible says that you are wonderfully and gloriously made. The prophet Jeremiah said that God called him to his life-long purpose from his mother’s womb. The Bible says that you’ve been inrepparttar 143594 mind of God from eternity past. A life this significant should certainly have purpose. And if it has purpose, then it can impactrepparttar 143595 world around it.

That’s right. Because God created you in purpose, you are significant in this world. The Kingdom of God is your domain. And as you move through this life inrepparttar 143596 Kingdom of Light, you spoilrepparttar 143597 works of darkness. As darkness flees, you stand in its vacated spot as light and salt. You bringrepparttar 143598 Light of Christ so that others may see, and you stand as salt againstrepparttar 143599 rottenness of evil and despair. This is impact. This is your life.

Keeprepparttar 143600 faith. Stayrepparttar 143601 course. Jesus is coming soon. Pastor t.

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. US Navy veteran, retired police officer, and father of three grown children.

Start here...first principles (D)

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

I’m going to end this series by reminding you how it started. Key arerepparttar first principles. They apply to argument and science in general. The Law of Noncontradiciton—all conclusions can’t be right,repparttar 143589 Law of Identity—if A is identified as A it can’t be C, andrepparttar 143590 Law ofrepparttar 143591 Exclude middle arerepparttar 143592 first and basic principles of logic. All truth must be logical, although not all logic is truth. Then again, just as you must continue to put gas in your automobile because ofrepparttar 143593 second law of thermodynamics, sorepparttar 143594 universe must have a source outside it, or it cannot be sustained indefinitely. Food for thought.

Is there a worldview that lines up with these basic laws? Yes, but only one. It isrepparttar 143595 theistic worldview. The theists believe inrepparttar 143596 one God of heaven. He created all things, and by Him all things exists. The theists agree withrepparttar 143597 first principles related torepparttar 143598 nature of truth,repparttar 143599 nature ofrepparttar 143600 cosmos, andrepparttar 143601 existence and knowability of an infinitely powerful, intelligent, and unchanging Being (Logos). Time does not allow me to lay outrepparttar 143602 other topics that theism embraces, i.e., law, human rights, evil (real and not illusion), and ethics. Theism offers a rational justification for, and coherent explanation of,repparttar 143603 questions arising from a study of these issues. [Ibid, p. 140]

Keeprepparttar 143604 faith. Stayrepparttar 143605 course. Jesus is coming soon and very soon. Pastor T.

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. US Navy veteran, retired police officer, and father of three grown children.

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