
Written by Jim M. Allen

Continued from page 1

Unfortunately, too many people these days get so busy working towards a lifestyle that they've decided they want that they forget to work as hard, if not harder, onrepparttar person inside... so that when they finally getrepparttar 131349 lifestyle they strived for, they're not happy with who they are.

Do you really want to have a great lifestyle but a lousy life?

What does your lifestyle matter to you, anyway?

Take some time today to figure out if you're living life or pursuing a lifestyle... Know for certain whether you are simply staying busy, collecting a whole bunch of stuff, or truly fulfilling your values.

After all, it's your life.

Jim Allen is a professional life & business coach. For more ideas, subscribe to his free bi-weekly ezine, THE BIG IDEA, by sending a blank email to:

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

Written by Jim M. Allen

Continued from page 1

7. Concentrate on what will work.

Some people are very good at finding all ofrepparttar reasons why something *won't* work. So good that they talk themselves out of even trying. Don't compound potential negatives, compoundrepparttar 131348 positives and concentrate on why things *will* work for you!

8. If it's not working, STOP DOING IT!

One definition of insanity reads: "Doingrepparttar 131349 same thing over and over, but expecting a different result each time." I tend to think of that more as a definition of *humanity.* Whether caused by determination, pride, or mere stubbornness, many have trouble recognizing and admitting that things aren't working. If that's you, adopt a new motto: "Just don't do it!" When things stop working, stop doing them, readjust, and move on.

9. When you just don't know, get help.

We can't know everything. We can't always solve everything. When that'srepparttar 131350 case, get help. There are businesses, counselors, consultants, and coaches who can work with you on almost any trouble spot you may encounter. Use them.

10. If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it.

Working towards your goals may not always be easy. You may not have fun every moment as you wend your way. Overall you should be happy with what you are doing because it's what you want to do. If that's not true then you definitely need to re-evaluate your goals or how you are pursuing them.

Jim Allen is a professional life & business coach. For more ideas, subscribe to his free bi-weekly ezine, THE BIG IDEA, by sending a blank email to:

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