Life changing Attitude

Written by John Giagkiozis

Continued from page 1

You see I wasn’t always like that till family problems “made me” take Responsibility. I had no one to rely upon except myself and to tellrepparttar truth I felt like I was Lost in complications and trouble. At that point I gave a promise to myself that no matter how many troubles I had I Would Succeed in Life. I was so determined that I slept only 3 to 4 hours a day.

What I did find out, was thatrepparttar 122793 key to get what you want is ATTITUDE and not just any attitude butrepparttar 122794 right attitude. Let’s say you want to get rich, in order to get rich and successful you must behave like rich and successful people even if you are starving to death. You must believe you deserve to be rich and I don’t mean some superficial belief deep in your head, rather a strong conviction that you do deserve what you ask for.

When you have that kind of convictions and determination people will start treat yourepparttar 122795 way you deserve. It’s a weird thing but most people form an “Opinion” based on things you believe about yourself, so if you believe you are rich you will be perceived like one, if you believe you deserve to be respected you will be respected. In time those same people, will make your “false” conviction come True. The future “You” is made fromrepparttar 122796 present “belief of” you.

The only restriction of what you can achieve is your Imagination. Imaginerepparttar 122797 best “YOU” in every detail and you will certainly become this “YOU”.

John Giagkiozis Publishes Self Improvement Tips, he is dedicated helping people like You! If you’re looking for the Home Business Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, information and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and subscribe for FREE at: The Life all Deserve, An Opportunity and a Challenge Feel free to reach me at:

Why Holding A Vision Magnetizes Great Achievement

Written by Saleem Rana

Continued from page 1

What Albert Einstein had was a vision. He was driven by an indefatigable curiosity aboutrepparttar nature ofrepparttar 122792 universe. When he was 16, he imagined what it might be like to riderepparttar 122793 waves of a light beam.

From this vision, Albert Einstein developed powerful inroads into his ability to envision things in his mind’s eye. His thought-experiments deepened in clarity and precision over many years. They reached such intensity that they accumulated into insights that answered in a most unorthodox wayrepparttar 122794 riddles of physics.

Later, when he died, it was found that he had an enormous preponderance of brain cells that most normal people did not possess.

It is my contention that just as a muscle that is constantly exercised, his brain developed extraordinary connections and fusions over a lifetime of intense usage.

Albert Einstein became a genius because he held a vision. His skills at right-brain cognition developed over many years created such a preponderance of insights that he just had to discover howrepparttar 122795 universe glued together.

In a similar way, every one of us can develop remarkable capacity in any field if we just holdrepparttar 122796 vision long enough, shun distraction, and persist in our ideal despite everything that comes our way to throw us off our chosen path.

The journey to accumulate a thousand skills begins with developingrepparttar 122797 first one. Progress comes from sustainability of vision.

You can be what you want to be if you hold it long enough and ferociously enough to overcome all obstacles. And, inrepparttar 122798 end, what you will gain will be exponentially greater thanrepparttar 122799 sum of all your efforts. It, in fact, be a true quantum leap.

Saleem Rana, M.Sc., is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. He offers a free success course at

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