Life! In Grandfather's Kitchen

Written by Kathryn E. Ryan

Continued from page 1
Onrepparttar antique oak table, a Louis L'amour novel sits propped up againstrepparttar 126858 centerpiece with a clothespin onrepparttar 126859 page where he left off. Not far from there sitsrepparttar 126860 New Testament with another clothespin biting a page of II Corinthians, chapter 13. His silverware and china sit like polished soldiers awaiting inspection, and an extra place setting sleeps late for still-dozing Grandmother. The trill of a teaspoon dancing inside a coffee cup always fills my heart with warmth and security because, to me, it wasrepparttar 126861 morning song of Grandfather's spiritual presence. As sure as his faith in God, he sat inrepparttar 126862 bright yellow kitchen every morning with a hearty breakfast,repparttar 126863 best coffee in town, his Bible, and his long time companion, Louis L'amour. That'srepparttar 126864 way I choose to remember him, sitting inrepparttar 126865 light ifrepparttar 126866 sun (Son).

Kathryn Ryan was born in Blackstone, MA in 1964. A secondary and college level English teacher, she has been writing inspirational essays and stories for over ten years. She presently resides in Plattsburgh, NY.

False Prophets

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Continued from page 1

What if Jesus were to say, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard ...repparttar things God has prepared for them that love Him. Come, seerepparttar 126857 mansion prepared for you." Notice a twinkle?

God said He would takerepparttar 126858 wise in their own craft. If it were possible, they could deceiverepparttar 126859 very elect. It just does not hold up with scripture.

They sought to know about God instead of knowing Him (II Co.2:13-14, II Ti.2:15).

The call of a prophet is to be onrepparttar 126860 front line of spiritual battlefields, protecting God's children, Je. 23:22, He. 11:28.

© by Joyce C. Lock

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but tryrepparttar 126861 spirits whether they are of God:

because many false prophets are gone out intorepparttar 126862 world.

They are ofrepparttar 126863 world: therefore speak they ofrepparttar 126864 world, andrepparttar 126865 world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.

Hereby know werepparttar 126866 spirit of truth, andrepparttar 126867 spirit of error."

1 John 4:1, 5-6

This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the email ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" . Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.

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