
Written by Alvah Parker

Continued from page 1

Another idea for leverage is to develop strategic partners. These are people who can point you inrepparttar right direction. They might introduce you to someone who is hiring or know people who need your product or service. They may be in a complimentary industry and be willing to recommend you or your service to their clients. Think of strategic partners as people who are holdingrepparttar 103768 lever with you so you can move that rock farther and/or faster.

Use your accomplishments for leverage too. They give you credibility with customers or hiring managers. Cassy’s letter of resignation underlined what she had learned in her current job. She leveraged what she had for an opportunity to learn something new.

Take Action:

1.What small action can you take in your work or personal life that will result in a big move forward? Write down what you want to accomplish (the result) and brainstorm ideas to move forward quickly or dramatically. Try brainstorming alone, with a friend and/or with your coach.

2.Write or update your business or career plan for 2005. What will you be doing to move your business or career forward?

3.Check your address book and business card collection. Look for strategic partners who have helped you inrepparttar 103769 past or who you think can help you know. Make an appointment with them to discuss your idea for working with them.

4.Make a list of other ways to leverage what you already have in your business, career or job. I’d love to make a list of ideas on using leveraging in business, career and life. If you are willing to share yours, please send them to me at asparker@asparker.com

5. Talk about leverage -- Read Barbara Corcoran's book "Use What You've Got and Other Business Lessons I Learned From My Mom."

Alvah Parker is a Business and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker’s Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. Alvah is found on the web at www.asparker.com. She may also be reached at 781-598-0388.

Do you want your own fully programmable ERP? - Part 1

Written by J. C. Melo

Continued from page 1

- He has an own Intranet e-mail System and/or throughrepparttar Internet. This e-mail System differs fromrepparttar 103767 traditional ones because he could be integrated automatically withrepparttar 103768 Notes database. For example, he can be programmed to send an e-mail to other operator, if - a condition -repparttar 103769 field "m" ofrepparttar 103770 database reachrepparttar 103771 value of "x". Or any input/output field of any mathematical model.

- It allows to create sophisticated electronic Forms, to be used by its Workflow. The whole operational flow of a company - besides atrepparttar 103772 national or world levels - can be executed through this electronic Forms - freely created and scheduled - which can also be integrated inrepparttar 103773 e-mail System.

- The whole management approvals flow can be programmed throughrepparttar 103774 Notes Workflow.

- Its Agents automatically can detect operational conditions in order to generaterepparttar 103775 corresponding actions. By corresponding actions understand any administrative or managerial functions in Real-Time, DAS or DDC or both.

- He has its own methods to acquire data and/or information fromrepparttar 103776 Back-End Transational System using any ODBC System and also it's possible to use several Add-Ons softwares for that purpose. Evidently if Notes will be used as a Font-End System aboverepparttar 103777 Transational System ofrepparttar 103778 company, he obligatorily should have means to acquire/send data from/torepparttar 103779 Transational System, in Real-Time or not.

- He has its Script Language, for general programming of its commands, its functions, etc.

- He has a hierarchical Password System for controlled accesses to its Views, Forms, Agents, etc.

- Through its Views can transformrepparttar 103780 original data ofrepparttar 103781 Transational System into high level information.

- Its Views are totally programmable - its columns are similar torepparttar 103782 used unrepparttar 103783 spreadsheets - and they can be scheduled to have relationships with any other Views.

- Its Views are very similar torepparttar 103784 Visual Basic Views - as a matter of fact already exists Add-Ons forrepparttar 103785 interconnection between Notes and Visual Basic.

- Its Views allows you to integrate in a column any mathematical functions or logical combinations as AND, OR, equality, larger than, smaller than, etc., and several other functions.

However is possible to use any System withrepparttar 103786 same capabilities ofrepparttar 103787 Notes - specially with ODBC, Replication, Views and integrated e-mail - as a fully programmable ERP System.

In this first article we mentioned some capabilities to be used in a Front-End and inrepparttar 103788 next we will explain how to do your ERP Front-End.

About the Author:

J.C.Melo is a 73-years old IT professional with 54 years of experience in computer & technology entrepreneurship. He was the owner of the first minicomputer factory in South America and Consultant for the U.S. Government in several contracts. Now is the CEO of http://mba-open-university.net and http://erp-enterprise-resources-planning-courses.us

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