Letting Go of Beliefs That Don’t Work

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1

The other day I heard a very low EQ guy yell, “It doesn’t help to be nice.” He was furious because someone had thwarted him, and hadn’t done what he wanted.

Sometimes it doesn’t help to be nice, I thought to myself, but it doesn’t hurt, either. What if you were nice and didn’t get what you wanted? At least you would still have been nice. The difference would be all to yourself,repparttar person that matters. It makes a difference in how well you sleep at night, I think.

If you operate underrepparttar 129999 premise thatrepparttar 130000 only way you’ll get what you want is to be nasty, I imagine you’ll get even less of what you want, and you’ll also feel a lot worse, since nastiness is its own punishment, just as niceness is its own reward.

What if you believe that you can’t forgive someone unless they come to you on bended knee? Forgiveness is one of those things that’s also it’s own reward. When you forgive, it’s your self and your sanity that you’re saving. The event or incident remainsrepparttar 130001 same, and can’t really be taken back. If you continue to relive it, letting it fester, you eat yourself up with little effect onrepparttar 130002 perpetrator. The most important injustices in life, no one could apologize for anyway. You’d have to ask life itself to apologize to you, and that isn’t possible. It’s comforting to believe someone’s at fault, but sometimes things just happen, that aren’t really underrepparttar 130003 control of anyone.

I think of my friend whose child suffered brain damage from an operation. She went so far as to file a lawsuit, and allrepparttar 130004 investigation provedrepparttar 130005 doctors andrepparttar 130006 surgeon had exercisedrepparttar 130007 best judgment, and done what was standard care underrepparttar 130008 circumstances. My friend is still convinced someone should be held responsible for this. She suffers terribly, not only because her child suffered damage, but because of her beliefs about why it happened.

Both Cammie and Thomas had to give up believing that everything they’d learned from their parents was operable. Part of growing in Emotional Intelligence is taking back your Personal Power. Also being flexible about “always” and “never”, becauserepparttar 130009 tricky part is that some ofrepparttar 130010 messages they got work quite well. Thomas’ mother also taught him many good and useful things, and Cammie’s father gave her some good guidance about self-discipline that has stood her in good stead.

One way you can come to grips about changing beliefs that don’t work, is to work on your intuition, which is another part of Emotional Intelligence. When you hone your intuition, you can see more clearly how you’re affecting other people and therefore, whether it’s getting in your way or not. Some held beliefs can be downright self-sabotaging. “No one would hire someone my age,” is one of them.

Coaching can help because you can test out your beliefs againstrepparttar 130011 reality of someone with experience, but of course you have to be willing to take them out and look at them inrepparttar 130012 first place, which requires, in itself, a level of self-awareness, which isrepparttar 130013 tenet of Emotional Intelligence. Without it, there can be no Emotional Intelligence.

If you haven’t takenrepparttar 130014 time to become introspective enough to be self-aware, maybe now’s a good time!

If something’s hanging you up, it could well be your Emotional Intelligence, andrepparttar 130015 good news is that it can be learned. It’s a set of life skills that can be taught. Most people take to it immediately, recognizing it as “the missing piece.” It usually brings relief, as you begin to figure things out, and excitement, asrepparttar 130016 changes in your life are immediate and rewarding.

When you keep getting stuck and state your belief, ask yourself how that belief has been working for you. One belief you might entertain is that when YOU change, your life changes.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Coaching, courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence. Susan is the author of “Changing Beliefs, Self-Limiting Thoughts and What to Accept,” http://www.webstrategies.cc/ebooklibrary.html . Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc .

Think Positive: Using Affirmations to Create Health, Wealth and Beauty

Written by Laura M. Turner

Continued from page 1

Thus, it takesrepparttar ideas of creative visualization one step further. It takes a picture from inside your head, a “thought” and creates a statement about this thought in a “word” or verbal format.

Take some time to affirm what is in your heart. What do you wish for? Choose an affirming statement to focus on and place your attention on it:


Applying An Affirmation So how to makerepparttar 129997 laws of affirmation work in your life? Let’s focus for a moment onrepparttar 129998 “word” aspect of this "thought, word and action" process.

The words “I am” are a very powerful tool. These words, once again, exceedrepparttar 129999 ego. “I AM” tellsrepparttar 130000 universe to putrepparttar 130001 wheels of energy in motion. It tellsrepparttar 130002 universe you are ready to receive your prayer.

Already you can seerepparttar 130003 importance of this process. I AM Beautiful!

If I write this on an index card and place it in my pocket, write it several times in my notebook, say it out loud to myself: What happens? I manifest beauty! I feel beautiful.

Waiting The Results In Peace Once you have affirmed and written you intentions and spoken them,repparttar 130004 “action” needs to come from you. Think: If I already hadrepparttar 130005 thing I wished for, what would I do?

For example: if I am beautiful – I need to ask myself: Am I wearing beautiful clothing? Is my make-up on? Am I honoring my body with exercise and nutrition? And if not: I need to take a long look at how I am treating myself – If I wasn't feeling beautiful before, perhaps treating myself better is what I need to heal.

Take a moment today to focus on what you need to heal. Then applyrepparttar 130006 Thought – Word – Action process. I think you will find it to be a powerful tool.

For more information onrepparttar 130007 beauty of affirmations please check out Louise Hay’s Power Thought Cards: www.hayhouse.com

Also highly recommended is Dr. Wayne W. Dyers book “There’s a Spiritual Solution To Every Problem.” A great read.

Remember: Affirm, take action and “waitrepparttar 130008 results in peace.” Continue to remain open to receive and I think you will find that that your blessings will far exceed your expectations.

Laura M. Turner is a certified personal trainer and Editor-At-Large of the New Body News eZine. The eZine dedicated to building a better YOU! See the latest edition and subscribe for free: www.new-body-news.com

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