Let the Real Estate Buyer Prepare: Internet Tools to Assist in Your Search for a Real Estate Agent

Written by Martin Winer

Continued from page 1

1) Integrity: Wasrepparttar agent honest and loyal to past customers' interests? 2) Quality ofrepparttar 103404 Deal: Didrepparttar 103405 agent strike a good deal for his/her past customers? 3) Recommendation: Would past customers recommend this agent to their friends? 4) Availability: Didrepparttar 103406 agent expeditiously respond to past customers' requests?

RankYourAgent.com seeks to levelrepparttar 103407 field in real estate by providing answers to these crucial questions about perspective agents. RankYourAgent.com (http://www.rankyouragent.com) collectsrepparttar 103408 answers to these questions provided by web users. These statistics are made available free of charge to anyone who'd like to view a real estate agents ranking.

RankYourAgent.com derives its income from unobtrusive Google(tm) Adsense(tm) ads. A quick visit to RankYourAgent.com will allowrepparttar 103409 user to rank an agent that isn't already ranked, or view agents by name or region.

Visit http://www.rankyouragent.com today and see if your agent is listed. Atrepparttar 103410 end of your real estate transaction, don't forget to come back and provide rankings so that others can benefit from your experiences.

Martin Winer is the President of RankYourAgent.com (http://www.rankyouragent.com)

Why Does Health Insurance Cost So Much?

Written by Michael Ertel

Continued from page 1

Most of us, myself included, make lifestyle choices everyday that eventually increase our demand for healthcare. We are never going to be able to totally eliminate all lifestyle related healthcare costs. However, improved lifestyle choices would cause a dramatic reduction in demand. This would then result in a similar reduction inrepparttar dollars spent on healthcare.

Lower demand for healthcare would result in lower health insurance costs, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism. If your organization has not done so already, your organizational leaders need to seriously considerrepparttar 103403 benefits of health promotion and disease prevention programs. Your return on investment will most likely be as high as 2:1 inrepparttar 103404 first year.

Michael Ertel is the founder of http://www.MedicalInsuranceNow.com which is a website that assists individuals and small business owners by providing side by side comparisons of health insurance alternatives.

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