Let Other People See Who You Really Are

Written by Royane Real

Continued from page 1

Sometimes we worry about our facial expressions. We may sense that our smile looks forced, or makes us look nervous. We may worry that we don’t smile enough, or that we frown too much.

One way you can check on your facial expressions is to have yourself videotaped in conversation with another person. When you reviewrepparttar tape, does your smile looks forced, or natural? Do you look extremely serious? Are you able to portray a feeling of fun and light-heartedness?

If you are not able to analyzerepparttar 129320 tape effectively by yourself, have someone else you trust give you some feedback.

If you think your facial expressiveness could be improved, you can practice in front of a mirror. Watch your face as you imagine yourself feeling various positive and negative emotions. Imagine yourself hearing a very funny joke. Or winningrepparttar 129321 lottery. Or receiving a nice compliment. Meeting your neighbor. Getting a present. Having a secret.

Also imagine yourself experiencing negative situations and watch your facial expressions inrepparttar 129322 mirror. Exaggerate them. Switch back to imagining positive emotions. Are you normally this expressive? Do you let other people seerepparttar 129323 real you? Or do you try to hide yourself from everyone? Do you likerepparttar 129324 person you see inrepparttar 129325 mirror?

Your smiles and other facial expressions will be more natural and more appealing when you are relaxed, rather than tense. If you get nervous when you are talking with others, you may find it helpful to practice body relaxation techniques until you can easily relax at will. Consciously tell allrepparttar 129326 muscles in your body to relax, even if you have to give instructions mentally to each part of your body, one section at a time.

When you are with other people, let your mental focus be on enjoyingrepparttar 129327 situation you are in, rather than imagining what others are thinking about you, or worrying what you will say next.

Royane Real is the author of several downloadable books available at her website at http:www.royanereal.com This article is taken from her latest book "Your Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends"

Growing Beyond Limits- 15 Shifts that Make an Impact

Written by Beth Tabak

Continued from page 1

Limits Set by Others~ This may come from a need for approval. Know thatrepparttar opinion of others is their perception based on who they are and not fact of who you are. You determine your worth and it’s darn valuable!

Lone Ranger~ Often we limit ourselves dramatically by trying to do and be it all on our own. We have such a variety of skills, knowledge, and life experience. When we come together with open minds a synergy can emerge to create amazing things. Connect with others to extend your reach and grow faster with ease.

Lack of Confidence~ Develop yourself! If you feel you don’t know enough, learn more. If you don’t have experience, get it! If you feel like a failure, succeed at something. If you feel unworthy, decide that you are! Get torepparttar 129318 source of your fears. Successful people stumble, mess up, and fail. Focus on how you are helping others.

Not Saying “NO”~ Learn that “No!” is a complete sentence. Know your top priorities and say no to anything that does not support them.

Not Saying “Yes”~ Shift from ignoring your inner voice to taking consistent daily action to fulfillrepparttar 129319 song of your soul.

Overwhelm/ Tolerating~ Simplify, handle, and rid yourself ofrepparttar 129320 things, people, and activities that drain your energy so you feel better and create space for what you want. Know your priorities then do it, delegate it, or dump it one small step at a time. Notice how much lighter, happier, and more energetic you feel.

Not Being in Integrity with Self~ When you are not honest with yourself you hold yourself back. Tellrepparttar 129321 absolute truth about who you are, what your needs are, what your values are, and what you want in life.

What is limiting you? There's a chance it could be you. Notice how you may be limiting yourself then take action to make a shift. Will you read this article and set it aside or will you take action to move beyond your limits? Choose to live beyond them and discover your true abilities... Starting Now!

Copyright 2004 © Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

Beth Tabak is a Business & Life Coach, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She is 100% committed to coaching small business owners and professionals to grow beyond limits, and create the business and life they keep thinking about. Set your goals, pick up a task list, take a class, discover a new resource all complimentary at http://www.startingnowcoaching.com .

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