Let James, Your Chauffeur, Take You There

Written by Abraham Thomas

Continued from page 1

But, often, those investigations by James created tensions. The chimp was restless. Such creative restlessness was not limited to animals. It also burdened professionals. Mathen had retired as director of a major medical college and hospital, where he had gracefully managed its myriad problems. He noted that, when he rose from bedrepparttar morning after retirement, he felt as if a heavy burden had lifted off his shoulders. Subconscious drives, which sought solutions to a barrage of issues, had become inhibited. There was a sense of freedom. The halt ofrepparttar 144164 search processes, managed by James, had liftedrepparttar 144165 intense burdens of responsibility.

Those search processes also created inner conflicts. That was because James responded differently torepparttar 144166 diverse emotions generated by life's problems. Anger chose conflict. Affection chose compromise. And, fear preferred retreat. Independent emotions competed for control inrepparttar 144167 subconscious. Since intuition was an elimination process, each emotion remained isolated. Anger had no amicable memories. Fear could see no hope. Each emotion held a partisan view, varying in strength as evidence built up. Each instant,repparttar 144168 most powerful emotion ruled. Others were inhibited, remaining beneath awareness. But, they continued their hidden search processes.

James never burdened you with those searches. When he was so efficient, where did you come in? With all those competing emotions, which wasrepparttar 144169 real you? Were yourepparttar 144170 angry one, orrepparttar 144171 fearful one? Neither, by a long shot. The real you wasrepparttar 144172 one who recognized, without interpretations. When you consciously searched, your view was neither good nor bad. Like an animal, which sensed danger and sniffedrepparttar 144173 air to investigate. A consciously willed search stilledrepparttar 144174 mind. For survival in a perilous world, nature demanded answers, free of emotional interpretations. An inquiring mind wasrepparttar 144175 most open. There dweltrepparttar 144176 superior consciousness. The most powerful intelligence in nature. The inquisitive you. That wasrepparttar 144177 real you. Not those wavering emotional responses.

A conscious search empoweredrepparttar 144178 real you. Where an issue concerned you, you could write a list of all your related thoughts. James assisted you by bringing all those subconscious drives to your list. The process emptied your mind of many disturbing views. The writing process made all those partisan drives aware of multiple viewpoints. Anger sawrepparttar 144179 positive side. Fear saw hope. Exposed and organized, disparate concerns became common. The creative forces ofrepparttar 144180 mind converged. Anger and fear, love and altruism cooperated in a subconscious search for a solution to meet your primary concerns. An integrated mind wasrepparttar 144181 most creative force inrepparttar 144182 world. You could then lean back and let James take you there.

Abraham Thomas is the author of The Intuitive Algorithm, a book, which suggests that intuition is a pattern recognition algorithm. The ebook version is available at www.intuition.co.in. The book may be purchased only in India. The website, provides a free movie and a walk through to explain the ideas.

Five Reasons To Journal

Written by Lael Johnson

Continued from page 1

ENCOURAGES EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION: When an artists’ emotions are triggered, writing in a journal provides space to contain and diffuse strong emotions.  After processing those emotionsrepparttar perspective ofrepparttar 144130 artist is restored,repparttar 144131 situation becomes more clear, and life in general, returns to more balanced place. 

RAISES EMOTIONAL AWARENESS: Emotional expression increases emotional awareness in artists. Some artists become overwhelmed with their feelings, using journaling as a safe place for emotional expression. Other artists can’t access some of their emotions. Journaling through their emotions becomes a time of discovery and positive change. Restoring balance to an artist’s life is one ofrepparttar 144132 best results of journaling.

PROVIDES A WRITTEN RECORD:  Journaling throughrepparttar 144133 creative process provides a written record ofrepparttar 144134 negative and positive aspects ofrepparttar 144135 process.  The artist gains a broader perspective of their work. Artists’  rereading success stories, reviewing past plans to create better plans forrepparttar 144136 next project.

Lael Johnson, owner of Writer's Eye Advisory Service, offers creativity coaching services and additional writing resources at writerseye.com

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