Let's concentrate on personal development!

Written by A.M. Sall

Continued from page 1

Mayberepparttar only thing that could force human beings to unite and actually love and appreciate one another would be invaders from another planet, all set to destroy any being with that universally human quality: humanity. So, however deep inside you you'd try to hide your humanity, they'd have a special device to discover it and destroy you.

Then of course, we'd all have to assume our common humanity, get together, and fight back.

So, if we must be "group-conscious", then let that group be Mankind, or - why not after all -repparttar 123114 whole Universe and everything that exists.

Meanwhile, let's just concentrate on our own personal development. Inrepparttar 123115 process and in other articles, I'll tell you about "know yourself", "love yourself" and "agree with yourself"

But "what" may you ask, "has all this got to do with Health, Beauty, and Wellness?".

The answer lies in one single word: BALANCE. Know yourself, love yourself, agree with yourself and you'll achieve physical, psychological, moral and spiritual balance.

And THAT, my friend, isrepparttar 123116 ultimate health, beauty, and wellness secret tip. But please always remember: "Let's know each other to better know ourselves"

A.M.Sall is a translator, netpreneur, and self-development coach. He has been using the Net since 1998. Sign up for a lifelong membership of Health-Beauty-Wellness (while it's still free :-). http://www.health-beauty-wellness.com

Citizens of the Land of Opportunity [for JULY 4th!]

Written by Rebecca Fine

Continued from page 1

We have an obligation to create our own success andrepparttar opportunity to help others dorepparttar 123113 same and to weave ALL our individual successes intorepparttar 123114 glorious, unfinished tapestry of this country's past, present, and future.  

As withrepparttar 123115 signers ofrepparttar 123116 Declaration and allrepparttar 123117 heroic men and women who have carriedrepparttar 123118 torch, it all begins with a dream. A vision. A goal.  

Just yesterday a very wise person told me, "If you don't have a dream and a goal that you're actively working toward, you are trading your life for nothing."  

Think ofrepparttar 123119 signers or of any great achiever in any field of endeavor in any country -- anyone you admire, anyone who is successful. What do they all have in common besides dreams, vision, goals, purpose? They all have something called discipline, a word that immediately frightens or repels many (perhaps most) people because when they see or hear it, they think "punishment," "deprivation."  

They resistrepparttar 123120 notion of self-discipline because they think it constricts them; they prefer no rules, no plans -- just "freedom." Ironically, though, that kind of "freedom" is simplyrepparttar 123121 right to remain inrepparttar 123122 "comfort zone" where mediocrity is king. And discipline isrepparttar 123123 key that unlocks those chains.  

What discipline really means is simply this: The ability to give yourself a command and then do it -- "to seerepparttar 123124 job through."  

First you need a plan (command), then action (follow-through). To do that, you need something that's bigger than yourself to motivate you -- your dream, vision, goal, and your purpose. True COMMITMENT to those things, then, means taking ACTION consistently, daily: Giving yourself a command and following through. And to follow through is a definition ofrepparttar 123125 word, "succeed."  

Without this commitment born of your own innermost desires, dreams and goals remain empty wishes. Vision becomes a pathetic pipedream. And purpose? There is none.  

You already have within you everything you need to achieve everything you truly want. You are more powerful than you can imagine. But only you can takerepparttar 123126 action to set that power -- and yourself -- free.  

What do YOU want for your life -- for yourself, your loved ones, your community, country, world? What's your DREAM, VISION, GOAL?  

Why do you want those things? What's your PURPOSE?

What price are you willing to pay? Are you COMMITTED?

Do you have a plan? Are you taking ACTION -- DAILY action in following through on your commitment to your own vision and purpose?  

We're atrepparttar 123127 halfway point ofrepparttar 123128 year. We're atrepparttar 123129 time when we celebrate and commemorate one ofrepparttar 123130 world's great acts of vision, purpose and commitment.  

We are atrepparttar 123131 moment of decision, and you are next in line, facing YOUR choice: Submit torepparttar 123132 chains of mediocrity and a lifetime of settling for less than you are capable of being, doing, and having -- or claim your power, break free ofrepparttar 123133 insidious oppression ofrepparttar 123134 "comfort zone," and declare your own independence and right to life, liberty, andrepparttar 123135 pursuit of happiness as YOU define it.  

The paper is before you. The pen is in your hand.

Will you sign?

©2004 Rebecca Fine

Rebecca Fine is the founder of The Science of Getting Rich NETwork where you can download your FREE copy of the amazing 1910 forgotten classic, The Science of Getting Rich. http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net

And find lots more of her articles here: http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net/articles.html

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