Learning Spanish Grammar and the verb "Gustar"

Written by Patrick Jackson

Continued from page 1

The boys likerepparttar forest. A los chicos les gusta el bosque.

They likerepparttar 109292 pool. A ellos les gusta la piscina.

There are quite a few verbs in Spanish that followrepparttar 109293 same construction asrepparttar 109294 verb "gustar." Here are just a few.

Importar (to be important to) Interesar (to be interesting to) Faltar (to be lacking to) Molestar (to bother or to annoy - note that this word does not mean to "molest") Encantar (to like)

I have also been confused about when to use "gustar." Despite whatrepparttar 109295 textbooks say, you can use "gustar" to indicate that you like someone as in "being physically attracted to someone." For example,

Tú me gustas. I like you.

Me gusta Carmen. I like Carmen.

But if you want to say that you like someone as in "I get along well with (name)," there's a different way to say it.

Me cae bien Carmen. I like Carmen or I get along well with Carmen. Literally, it means "Carmen falls well on me."

No me cae bien María. I don't like María or I don't get along well with María.

No me caes bien tú, Or, Tú no me caes bien. I don't get along well with you.

Let's do a few exercises with "gustar." Translaterepparttar 109296 following sentences adding emphasis onrepparttar 109297 person or persons thatrepparttar 109298 object is pleasing to. The answers appear below.

1. I likerepparttar 109299 cats. 2. You likerepparttar 109300 wedding. (Add emphasis to "you" usingrepparttar 109301 familiar form of "you.") 3. Joseph likesrepparttar 109302 building. 4. We likerepparttar 109303 shirts. 5. All of you likerepparttar 109304 insects. (Add emphasis to "all of you")

Answers: 1.A mí me gustan los gatos. 2.A ti te gusta la boda. 3.A José le gusta el edificio. 4.A nosotros nos gustan las camisas. 5.A ustedes les gustan los insectos.

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Patrick Jackson is the founder of Learning Spanish Like Crazy. A unique method of learning Spanish that combines recorded lessons and live tele-classes. Subscribe today to his Free Learning Spanish Grammar Ezine: mailto: pat-jackson@aweber.com Website: http://www.learningspanishlikecrazy.com =======================================

Recommended Undergraduate Classes

Written by Andrea Jussim

Continued from page 1

Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Mathematics. --One Introduction to Human Anatomy course. --One Introduction to Biology course, unless you've completed a year of biology in high school. --One introductory course in Life Sciences (other than Biology), Earth & Space Sciences, or Atmospheric Sciences. --One Introduction to Chemistry course, unless you've completed a year of chemistry in high school. --One Introduction to Physics course, unless you've completed a year of physics in high school. --One year of mathematics, unless you've compeleted a year of calculus in high school.

Andrea Jussim is an experienced writer with experience in teaching and research. She entered a prestigious 5-year Ph.D. program immediately after completing her undergraduate studies, but left with an M.A. and her sanity two years later.

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