Learn these feng shui love tips and improve your love life

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Another feng shui love guideline talks about old relationships. You should make sure there isn't energy from an old relationship around. To achieve this, you must remove from your bedroom anything that reminds you of that old relationship, and if possible from your whole house as well.

Feng shui love guidelines also tell that your house main door should be ready to receive love. In order to achieve this, you must check out that this door opens easily and as wide as possible, without any kind of obstacles for it. And ideally, your bedroom door should openrepparttar same way as well.

You should make sure that your bed should be placed oppositerepparttar 116123 door but not directly in front of it. Besides, feng shui love principles tell that your bed shouldn't have one side against a wall since that would makerepparttar 116124 person sleeping on that side uncomfortable.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.fengshuicrazy.com. Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

What to expect from a feng shui consultation

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Most ofrepparttar times, a proper feng shui consultation would takerepparttar 116122 consultant to go torepparttar 116123 place which must be harmonized. Sometimes a video ofrepparttar 116124 place can be very helpful as well, but a proper feng shui consultation takesrepparttar 116125 consultant to be able to seerepparttar 116126 place before he can give certain advice.

A feng shui consultation could go through different stages. First, you may approachrepparttar 116127 consultant at his work office and let him know your general ideas. Then, he might ask you to give him a video ofrepparttar 116128 space for which you are consulting him. Once he hasrepparttar 116129 video, he can provide you with specific guidelines on what to do. And then, or instead ofrepparttar 116130 last step, there would be a feng shui consultation stage done inrepparttar 116131 space itself.

The best advice you can receive from a feng shui consultation is based on accurate information. And, by allowingrepparttar 116132 consultant to actually seerepparttar 116133 place you would be able to receiverepparttar 116134 most accurate information and guidance possible.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.fengshuicrazy.com. Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

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