Learn the Secret of Low Cost Advertising for Your Horse Business

Written by Michele Anderson

Continued from page 1
I discovered many ways to advertise (Free in some cases) or very inexpensively in others using text ads in relevant ezines. This wasrepparttar perfect way to reach my targeted audience and test my ads to see how good each one pulled in potential customers, without spending a fortune. - Promoting using solo advertisements This, by far, has to berepparttar 116309 best paid advertising I have ever done. I found that a lot of my targeted customers were subscribed to ezines that would allow me to run a full-page sponsorship advertisement introducing my own products. My response was phenomenal. I could get as many as 700 or more unique or targeted visitors and at least 15-20 orders a visit with some ofrepparttar 116310 bigger lists. If I sold a $40 product andrepparttar 116311 ad cost me $100, I made at least $400 each time. What's more, once I usedrepparttar 116312 ad and got such a tremendous response I knewrepparttar 116313 ad was a winner and I could use it over and over. - Ad swaps: This is a great way if you are on a tight budget. I simply wrote to several ezine publishers and requested an ad swap, my ad for their ad. This was terrific and I received a great response. Who wouldn't want free advertising with their targeted audience! This way I could reach allot more potential targeted customers and it is totally FREE advertising. Michele Anderson Publisher/ editor of Horse Tales and Clips an informative newsletter onrepparttar 116314 care and Business of horses. If you would like to subscribe to my biweekly newsletter please click onrepparttar 116315 link provided here: http://www.statuehorse.com

Michele Anderson Publisher/ editor of Horse Tales and Clips an informative newsletter on the care and Business of horses. If you would like to subscribe to my biweekly newsletter please click on the link provided here: http://www.statuehorse.com

Self Defense or Personal Protection?

Written by Alex Iglecia

Continued from page 1

What do I mean? Memorize 10 phrases to visit a foreign country. You can order a plate of food, ask forrepparttar bathroom, and call cabs all day long. That’s self defense. You’re not prepared to adapt to new situations. Instead, you could have a basic understanding of howrepparttar 116308 language works and you can perform, pronouncerepparttar 116309 words, hearrepparttar 116310 locals, and react to situations you’ve never been in before. You feel better, and can go more, go farther, and live better. That’s Personal Protection.

“Of course, we all know that there are no guarantees that violence won't occur; therefore, protective tools must be in place. These tools need to be effective, direct, and immediately useful orrepparttar 116311 victim runsrepparttar 116312 risk of making things worse by trying to defend herself with techniques that won't hold up.” – Robert Bussey

Personal protection isn’t just mental. It is not just physical. It’s both. And it can be relatively simple, safe, and fun, to learn. That’s something I feel good about telling my sister.

Alex Iglecia is a Combat Advisor, Club Sanctioned for www.busseystyle.com and teaches Genuine Bussey Style to the Back Bay community at Body Evolver and to companies and organizations throughout New England. You can find out more online at http://www.busseystyle.com/

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