Learn the Language of the World Wide Web

Written by sushanth

Continued from page 1
byrepparttar editor when you click buttons. You only need to type inrepparttar 132621 text of your document. A WYSIWYG Editor is very useful while working with tables as it displaysrepparttar 132622 table structure i.e. rows and columns. Netscape Composer ,which is part ofrepparttar 132623 Netscape Communicator 4 & higher package, is a WYSIWYG HTML Editor. HTML Validation: It is a software program which you can install on your computer. It is used to determine ifrepparttar 132624 HTML code in your web page has any errors on it. Validating your HTML code ensures that your web page will be displaced correctly by most browsers. Direct Linking: If your web host allows direct linking to servers then a file (.zip, .exe) from your web site can be downloaded from another web site by hyperlinking. However, most ofrepparttar 132625 free web hosts like Tripod, Geocities, Angelfire etc. do not allow Direct Linking. Thus surfers will need to visit your web page to download any file. Spider: When you submit a web site to a Search Engine (SE),repparttar 132626 SE will send out spiders (software program) to your site. These spiders will record information about your site and bring it back torepparttar 132627 SE. The info brought byrepparttar 132628 spiders is added to repparttar 132629 database ofrepparttar 132630 SE. This process is known as indexing. After your site has been indexed it will be ranked and listed byrepparttar 132631 SE, so thatrepparttar 132632 site shows up inrepparttar 132633 search results. Yahoo doesn't use spiders. All info is added manually torepparttar 132634 Yahoo database. Thus Yahoo is a directory and not a Search Engine. Autoresponder: It is a software that sends an automated reply or replies to emails sent to it. The reply or replies are pre written and saved onrepparttar 132635 web server byrepparttar 132636 web site owner. Asrepparttar 132637 replies are automated, it saves time & effort forrepparttar 132638 web site owner. Autoresponders can be used for sending product details to customers, to handle subscription requests or to send follow up messages to prospective customers.

The author is the web master for the http://NewsForUse.FreeHosting.net/ web site. He uses his spare time to collect and compile articles of VALUE on various topics.

20 Tips for Creating a Customer-Friendly Web Site

Written by Christopher Smith

Continued from page 1

Ensure your site’s content reflects its purpose.

If yours is a sales site for example, ensure that your content concentrates on selling. Stay focused and avoidrepparttar temptation to upload content that is not relevant to your web site’s purpose.

Enable quick and easy location of information.

Quite simply, most customers will quickly leave your site if they cannot locaterepparttar 132620 information they are seeking. Internet users increasingly require information to be instantly available and there is no shortage of other sites eager to take business from you. Think what information customers are likely to want and do not hide it away.

Make sure content is relevant, accurate and up-to-date.

Provide accurate and relevant content and keep it up-to-date. Failure to do this will make your company look inefficient and reflects badly on your customer service levels. Search engines also appreciate content that is updated regularly.

Encourage interaction.

Get visitors to interact with your site and spend more time on it. Make a visit an interesting experience for them by including useful online tools, etc. Just make sure they are relevant to your site.

Personalize your site.

Depending onrepparttar 132621 technology you have available to you, it may be possible to greet visitors to your site by name and serve up content tailored specifically to their needs. If you can do it then do so.

Invite dialogue.

Give your customersrepparttar 132622 opportunity to contact you via email, online forms, a call-back/call-me facility, web chat, etc. Ask for their feedback via online surveys and feedback forms. Invite them to subscribe to a customer newsletter.

Acknowledge customer contact.

It is common courtesy to say ‘thank you’. Very little effort is required to set up an email auto-responder. When requiring customers to complete and submit a form, make sure there is a ‘thank you’ page or pop-up. It reassuresrepparttar 132623 customer that you have received their communication and does not leave them wondering whether or not your site is working properly.

Make it a ‘seamless’ experience.

Aim to give customersrepparttar 132624 same level of service online as you give them offline. Your goal should be to facilitaterepparttar 132625 customer’s interaction with your company and allow them to choose how to do business with you. You know that customers are your most valuable asset and that retaining them is vitally important.

Give your customers support.

Reassure visitors to your site by providing elements such as help pages, FAQ’s, a site map, terms of use and a privacy policy. They will appreciate it.

Inspire confidence.

Ensure that your site works properly and its content is up-to-date. Check error messages make sense and forms and data entry fields are logical. Get someone to proofread your site and spot any grammatical and spelling mistakes. The quality of your site tells customers a lot aboutrepparttar 132626 quality of service they can expect from you.

Get to know your customers.

Learn as much as you can about your customers andrepparttar 132627 way they use your site (and, if you can, find out how they use your competitors’ sites). Then use this learning to improve your site and increase your return on investment.

The number of web sites is growing every day and now just about anyone can create one. If you want your site to stand out fromrepparttar 132628 rest, plan it carefully and design it with your customers in mind. Far too many web site owners just do not bother.

Christopher Smith is owner of YourSiteAssessed.com (http://www.yoursiteassessed.com) and President of eNewsWriters, Inc. – a company which writes customer newsletters for businesses (http://www.enewswriters.com).

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