Learn how to stop skin cancer dead in its tracks

Written by Deborah Farrell, RN

Continued from page 1

B - Border Irregularity: The borders of early melanomas are often uneven and may have scalloped or notched edges. Common moles have smoother, more even borders.

C - Color: Common moles usually are a single shade of brown. Varied shades of brown, tan, or black are oftenrepparttar first sign of melanoma. As melanomas progress,repparttar 143305 colors red, white and blue may appear.

D - Diameter: Early melanomas tend to grow larger than common moles - generally to at leastrepparttar 143306 size of a pencil eraser (about 6mm, or 1/4 inch, in diameter). However, they may also be smaller.

Remember, checking your skin should be part of your medical regimen, and adults should schedule an annual check-up at a dermatologist office. The only way to diagnose a melanoma, with certainty, is for a qualified pathologist to examine tissue under a microscope.

Now that you understandrepparttar 143307 importance of skin care protection, you need to know how to best protect yourself and your loved ones.

Sunscreen: The best sunscreen is one that you wear daily! Your sunscreen should have a zinc oxide content of 6 percent or greater, because zinc will be stable inrepparttar 143308 light and not lead to sensitivity reactions. Most importantly, zinc blocks UVB and UVA long rays. Zinc is also a great sunscreen, becauserepparttar 143309 dimethicone coated (Z-Cote) is both transparent and non-greasy, unlikerepparttar 143310 thick sunscreens ofrepparttar 143311 past.

Protective Clothing: When exposed to sunlight wear protective clothing such as broad-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, long pants and UV-protective sunglasses.

Summary: While everyone worries aboutrepparttar 143312 prospect of cancer, it's important to remember that you can take a proactive role in protecting yourself and your family. Skin cancer is highly preventable by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing and staying out ofrepparttar 143313 sun during peak hours (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) as much as possible. Furthermore, by keeping a close eye on moles and regularly seeing a dermatologist, skin cancer is usually treatable and even curable if found early.

For more information on this article, or assistance with your skincare needs, please feel free to contact us at advice@skintegrity.com.

Deborah Farrell of Skintegrity is an RN with years of experience specializing in skin care. Skintegrity offers medical skin care products and skin care services for people looking for higher level skin care treatments.

Acupuncture on migraine

Written by Anonymous

Continued from page 1

Only 15 per cent ofrepparttar waiting list group attainedrepparttar 143304 50 per cent reduction in headache days. The effectiveness of bothrepparttar 143305 sham andrepparttar 143306 real acupuncture is aboutrepparttar 143307 same as treatment with drugs and has fewer side effects. The results, they conclude, "may be due to non-specific physiological effects of needling, to a powerful placebo effect, or to a combination of both."


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