Learn from the Trader Legends

Written by Tom Meier

Continued from page 1

What can average talented investors learn fromrepparttar above and how canrepparttar 112629 mistakes listed above be avoided? The following key points can be learned from some ofrepparttar 112630 most successful Trader Legends:

ØEach investor has its own personality. Some ofrepparttar 112631 investor have a very aggressive trading style and are trading very frequently. Some prefer stocks as other are more risk oriented and invest in options. Others want only spend a minimum of effort. An investor need to reflect on his profile and choose a trading approach which fits his personality.

ØA trade needs to be completely planned in advance. People plan a lot of their activities, e.g. when they go on holiday, when they move house etc. But do they have a plan when they invest? An investor needs to have a system that helps him to be prepared for all scenarios of a trade. One needs to know in advance when to buy, how much to buy, when to exit. Once a trade is executedrepparttar 112632 price ofrepparttar 112633 instrument (stock, option, bond etc.) cannot be influenced byrepparttar 112634 normal private investor anymore.

ØThe most important component of a trading system is Money Management? Surprised? Lots of investors and traders spend most of their time developing a very sophisticated trade entry system. Butrepparttar 112635 entry strategy contributes only approximately 15% torepparttar 112636 success of a Trading System based on academic studies. The most important question of a Trading System is how much to invest and how many positions to trade atrepparttar 112637 same time.

ØA ‘can do’ attitude is required to trade successfully. 99% ofrepparttar 112638 world’s population probably has this dream of being financially free, but only 5% have reached it. Why? Because with phrases like “…it would be great, but I can’t…” or “…one day perhaps I will win inrepparttar 112639 lottery, but until then I must work hard…” they have already lost.

For more information and a complete Stock Trading System based on a modified Nicolas Darvas approach, see my web site shown above.

You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice andrepparttar 112640 author name and URL remain intact.

Tom Meier is the author and publisher of the weekly "Free Darvas trading Easy-Flash". This newsletter helps investors to understand the Darvas trading method. The subscription is free at: http:/www.easy-trader.ch or mailto: flash@easy-trader.ch

Sarbanes Who?

Written by Annabel Watters, CPA

Continued from page 1
to approve of companies who use their financial statements as tools to manage their businesses, rather than as unrelated propaganda for external users. If your accounts receivable/accounts payable ledgers are clean and up-to-date, and tie torepparttar general ledger, and you can provide clear, transparent schedules for any questionsrepparttar 112628 auditor might have, chances are you will have a clean, easy audit that will be a pleasure for both you andrepparttar 112629 auditor. For more information see: http://www.watters-cpa.com

I graduated from Angelo State University in May of 1997 with an MBA in Accounting. I took and passed the CPA exam on the first try and have been working as a consulting CPA ever since. I have worked in a variety of industries from communications and electric utilities to construction and real estate.

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