Leading Others

Written by Lee Wise

Continued from page 1


Just give people something specific they can do. Help them "take action." In doing so you help those help you are influencing become all they can be.

But there's something more to this process: put *their* heart it!

I have stated torepparttar interns overrepparttar 123425 years: "If I can wed these two together, I have a winner: your heart's desires and your goals."

It's true. When you...

Understand someone Capture their heart's desire Create actions based on their heart's desire

You have a winning combination!

But you can do "more." You can...


I'll give you another example. In talking withrepparttar 123426 intern that prompted my thinking -- and eventually this issue -- I mentioned:

"I've included a sample to show how you can improve. The other example I gave will do for now. However, if you want to keep on developing your skills in this area, pay attention to what I have written and it will help you inrepparttar 123427 future."

I was quick to add: "Don't let this kill you. Do what is 'you' in this regard. However, pay attention to these simple suggestions and use them as you can."

Why did I addrepparttar 123428 statement above? Because I wantedrepparttar 123429 intern to see that he *could* do more -- but he didn't have to make it his life's passion! You see, I knew it wasn't his area of interest. I gave him a slight challenge to excel *in his own way and *at his own time.*

But it was a slight nudge towards excellence!

Then I had to...


It was time forrepparttar 123430 intern to "just go and do it!" We had talked before. And, I'm sure we will talk again.

There'srepparttar 123431 pattern: release -- guide -- release.

Letrepparttar 123432 person you are influencing try! Be there, yes. Like a good coach.

But letrepparttar 123433 person run his own race.

When I was swimming competitively and I heardrepparttar 123434 words, "Timers and judges ready. Swimmers take your mark."

Andrepparttar 123435 gun went off...

Don, my coach, wasn't leaving that starting block. Lee Wise was!

You've got to release. Let them try. But be ready to guide them again.

Afterrepparttar 123436 races were over, I found myself back inrepparttar 123437 pool again with "you know who" guiding me, pushing me, and challenging me to berepparttar 123438 best I could be.

You got it -- my coach, Don.

Good swimming coaches do operate that way. And so do good life coaches.

Which is what you might term "a leader."


*Listen *Capturerepparttar 123439 desire ofrepparttar 123440 heart *Chart action steps *Challenge towards excellence *Release-guide-release


Can you identify any ofrepparttar 123441 stages of this pattern where you are *right now* with someone?

Could you improve in listening, capturing, charting, challenging, releasing or guiding?

That's not a guilt trip. I'm not "in" to guilt trips. It is, however, a reminder to both of us. A reminder to keep improving our ability to help others become all they can be through our influence.

Yours for a day filled with beautiful moments in time,


------------------------------- Lee is a seminary administrator, has a part-time business at home, and writes two motivational ezines: "A Beautiful Moment In Time" and "Hope For Daily Living." Permission is given to distribute article. This paragraph must be included. Email: Lee@seariches.net Link: http://www.seariches.net

Lee is a seminary administrator, has a part-time business at home, and writes two motivational ezines: "A Beautiful Moment In Time" and "Hope For Daily Living."

Are You Expecting To Succeed?

Written by Gordon Bryan

Continued from page 1

Even if they were injured,repparttar expectation of victory was enough to tiprepparttar 123424 scales in their favour.

Back to real life, you *must* banish negativity from your mind, don’t listen torepparttar 123425 ‘dream stealing’ voice in your head.

With my new book, I set myselfrepparttar 123426 challenge of writing and publishing it in 21 days.

Did I ever doubt that I would do it? Of course not!

In fact I had people post in some online forums, that they knew full well I would do it.

*They* expected me to succeed, because they knew *I* expected to succeed!

This kind of assurance takes time to develop, and practice.

Once you have it though, any goal you set is just a matter of ‘when,’ not ‘if’.

**************************************** Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days! has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and 'a true gem'. If you liked this article, see the book for yourself at: http://www.transformyourlifenow.com ****************************************

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