Lazy, Hazy Days Of Summer

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Now isrepparttar time to renew your marketing efforts. Can you combine those lazy, hazy days with a renewed effort? If you can,repparttar 105220 lost opportunities of others might just come your way.

Might you slow down a bit? Sure, if you do it right, and remember your short term and long term goals. Maybe you should investigate advertising in publications you hadn't tried inrepparttar 105221 past. You should consider running multiple ads with different copy inrepparttar 105222 ones you are already using. How about using an auto-responder in those ads. This will ensure you get back to an inquiry right away, and you can dorepparttar 105223 follow-up at your leisure.

Why not put a form on your website(s) to handle inquiries? Throughrepparttar 105224 use of checkboxes, you can immediately categorize your potential customers requests. By using a mail package such as Eudora, you can then automatically respond with a "canned" response that is tailored to their request.

Will some of your prospects also be running at a slower speed? Of course, and this is why you must redouble your efforts. Don't forget that thousands upon thousands of new prospects get web access every day. They are hungry for information, and might just be looking forrepparttar 105225 type of opportunity you offer.

These "Internet Newbies" are like a fertile field that you can harvest duringrepparttar 105226 summer. Bitten byrepparttar 105227 prospect of earning money onrepparttar 105228 Net, they are viable candidates that you will lose if you don't vigorously pursue them.

I know that with press of things we have to do it is easy to slack off. Much of your competition will succumb to those "Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer", and if you take advantage of their inactivity, you just might be pleasantly surprised atrepparttar 105229 results.

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at:

Top 10 Tips for Starting A Successful Networking Business

Written by Carolyn Beale

Continued from page 1
6.Commit to Your Path of Personal Development. Read, read, read! Just 20 minutes a day of reading is a great start! A networking business generally involves a certain amount of stepping outside your personal comfort zone, so be prepared to stretch yourself. 7.Have a Realistic Budget for Monthly Expenses: products, advertising, office supplies, postage, etc. Know how much you’re prepared to spend, and stick to it! 8.Keep All Receipts. This practice can translate to great tax advantages as a home-based business owner, so keep good records and be sure to consult someone who’s well versed in small business deductions at tax time. 9.Set Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Goals (as well as long term objectives.) WRITE THEM DOWN and review them daily! Only 3% ofrepparttar population actually makerepparttar 105219 effort to identify and write down their goals, and it’s no coincidence that they’re amongrepparttar 105220 world’s most successful individuals! 10.Be Coachable. Work closely with your enroller, and if he or she isn’t as involved with business-building as you’d like, find yourself a mentor. Study successful people, follow their lead, and don’t waste your time trying to reinventrepparttar 105221 wheel. Learn and userepparttar 105222 systems that are already in place for your success!

Carolyn Beale is a devoted mom of 2 who works full-time from home running a successful online network marketing business featuring non-caustic, environmentally friendly products manufactured by an award-winning wellness company. For product info or to discover how you too can earn income from home with the support of an amazing Team, visit her website at or contact her at!

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