Launch Your Success

Written by Pam Murphy, B.S., RRT

Continued from page 1

Next train yourself to focus only onrepparttar positive. In your mind SEE your-self livingrepparttar 123144 life you want, SEErepparttar 123145 car you want to drive, SEErepparttar 123146 house you want to live in, SEE repparttar 123147 good you plan to do with your success, SEE yourself livingrepparttar 123148 life you want to live. FEEL how it feels to liverepparttar 123149 life you want to live. The mind is a powerful force. Thoughts are powerful. You will have what you THINK. If you think I will “try” to achieve my goals, that is paramount to thinking “I might fail”. Understand there can be NO possibility of failure in your thoughts or in what you speak. Pay attention to your thoughts and words. Banish all negativity. Focus and Believe with all your might in your success. Every night before you go to bed write in your success journal. List what you accomplished that day to move you toward your goal and specify what you are going to dorepparttar 123150 next day to move toward your goals. Take daily action to achieve your goals. Be persistent.

To recap:

1. Makerepparttar 123151 decision to liverepparttar 123152 life you want. 2. Focus on what you wish to achieve. 3. Believe you can haverepparttar 123153 life you want. 4. Take action EVERYDAY to achieve your life goals.

The possibilities for your success are limitless because they are within you. Hang in there. Persevere. Think positive. Take daily persistent action to achieve your dreams and success will come to you.

Pam Murphy,B.S.,RRT, Global Wellness Business Consultant has a health and wellness business online. She is dedicated to educating and helping others to improve both their health and financial situation.

7 Power Skills that Build Strong Relationships

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

5. Synchronize Cooperatively

When people synchronize their watches, they insure that their individual actions will occur on time to produce an intended outcome. Relationships require ongoing cooperative action to survive and thrive.

As relationships mature,repparttar needs and values ofrepparttar 123143 individuals and relationship will change. Career relationships will requirerepparttar 123144 flexibility to meet changing schedules and new project goals. Cooperative actions provide synchrony and build trusting alliances. They are part ofrepparttar 123145 give and take that empowers strong, enduring relationships.

6. Act Authentically

Acting authentically means acting with integrity. It means living in harmony with your values. Be yourself when you are with someone else. Drop acts that create false appearances and false security.

When you act authentically, you are honest with yourself and others. You say what you will do, and do what you say. Ask for what you want in all areas of your relationships. Be clear about what you will tolerate. Find out what your relationship partners want also. Being authentic creates mutual trust and respect.

7. Acknowledge Generously

Look for and accentuaterepparttar 123146 positive qualities in others. Humbly acknowledgerepparttar 123147 difference that people make to your life. Validate them by expressing your appreciation for their life and their contributions. If you let someone know that they are valuable and special, they will not forget you. Showing gratitude and encouragement by words and actions will strengthenrepparttar 123148 bonds of any relationship.

Don't forget to acknowledge your most important relationship:repparttar 123149 relationship with yourself. Acknowledge your own qualities, and put those qualities into action. You cannot form a stronger relationship with others than you have with yourself. You will attractrepparttar 123150 qualities in others that are already within you.

Ask yourself: What thoughts and behaviors will attractrepparttar 123151 kind of relationships I desire? What is one action I could take today that would empower my current relationships?

Write down allrepparttar 123152 qualities or behaviors that you desire for your relationships. Selectrepparttar 123153 power skills that will attract those qualities. Keep a journal ofrepparttar 123154 actions you take andrepparttar 123155 progress you make. By turning these skills into lifelong habits, you will build relationships that are healthy, strong and mutually rewarding.

© Copyright 2004 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a life success coach, and the creator of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Subscribe today by visiting Steve's site at

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