Late Mortgage Payments Sabotage PMI Cancellation

Written by Mark Walters

Continued from page 1

What if you bought a home in Southern California andrepparttar value shot up 40% during a ten month period? That's not covered inrepparttar 135636 Homeowners Protection Act, but most lenders will listen to a request to cancelrepparttar 135637 PMI... but not duringrepparttar 135638 first two years ofrepparttar 135639 loan. After two yearsrepparttar 135640 lender will require thatrepparttar 135641 value ofrepparttar 135642 home has increased torepparttar 135643 point whererepparttar 135644 loan is 75% or less ofrepparttar 135645 potential selling price. Then they may releaserepparttar 135646 buyer from PMI premiums. You must ask!

WARNING! THIS CAN BE EXPENSIVE! Many homeowners make a huge mistake when they are late with mortgage payments. If you have a poor payment historyrepparttar 135647 lender is not required to liftrepparttar 135648 PMI. You will be out a huge amount of money... over many year as you continue to make those PMI payments... even though your loan balance is well withinrepparttar 135649 lenders normal limits.

PMI makes it possible to buy a home with a small or no down payment, but don't be fooled. It is very expensive and every homeowner should do what's necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Mark Walters is an investor-entrepreneur helping other investors from his Web pages at

If you want to work from home...

Written by Marsha Maung

Continued from page 1

Use an organizer For someone who is working from home,repparttar line between ‘work’ and ‘family’ is blurred. Therefore, it’s important for us to learn how to schedule our work and use an organizer properly. This will help us meet deadlines, set priorities and remember important tasks. You can use a normal scrapbook, a journal, an exercise book, a small notepad (the 555 kind, even), use your Outlook program, use an Excel file, use a Microsoft Word document…whatever works for you! The point is that you need to use it consistently, refer to it, update it and add new tasks to it.

Don’t check your email allrepparttar 135618 time Yes, you need to check your email regularly but when you check your email too often or keep your inbox open allrepparttar 135619 time, you’ll get distracted with new tasks and neglectrepparttar 135620 earlier ones. This way, you will get more and more backlogs and inrepparttar 135621 end, some ofrepparttar 135622 older projects will take longer to finish. Check your email often atrepparttar 135623 same time everyday, but not allrepparttar 135624 time.

Don’t work allrepparttar 135625 time Those without discipline will work only when they feel like it and when they don’t, they’ll do something else. This kind of attitude towards work is not advisable. But onrepparttar 135626 other hand, workaholics should also learn how to let work go wheneverrepparttar 135627 time comes. If you feel stressed out, maybe that’s because you’ve been working too much because your work is right there in your house. You’ll never get far enough away from your work. So, learn to switch your computer off and let go!! Just go spend some time withrepparttar 135628 neglected spouse and kids.

Conclusion These are just a few ofrepparttar 135629 important points about working from home and I have just managed to skimrepparttar 135630 surface ofrepparttar 135631 whole issue. I will explore other aspects of working from home in another article.

Marsha Maung is a freelance graphic designer and copy writer who works from her home in Selangor, Malaysia. She loves nothing more than blowing bubbles in the park with her 2 kids, Joshua and Jared. She designs apparel and premium items at and is the author of "Raising little magicians", and the popular "The Lance in freelancing". More information can be found at

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