Ladybugs, Ladybugs, Come to My Garden

Written by Lesley Dietschy

Continued from page 1

If your garden does not have adequate space to plant ladybug attracting plants, you can purchase ladybugs from numerous websites onrepparttar internet and most nurseries. Before releasing them into your garden, here are a few tips to help ensure thatrepparttar 135406 ladybugs stay where you want them:

1.Release ladybugs near infested plants after sun down or before sun up. They navigate byrepparttar 135407 sun and are most likely to stay put inrepparttar 135408 evenings and early mornings.

2.Waterrepparttar 135409 area where you are going to releaserepparttar 135410 ladybugs. They will appreciaterepparttar 135411 drink andrepparttar 135412 moisture onrepparttar 135413 leaves will helprepparttar 135414 ladybugs to “stick” onrepparttar 135415 plants. If released in a dry garden,repparttar 135416 ladybugs will most likely fly off in search of a drink instead of sticking around to eat.

3.Inrepparttar 135417 warmer months, chillrepparttar 135418 ladybugs inrepparttar 135419 refrigerator before releasing them. This will not harmrepparttar 135420 ladybugs and they tend to crawl more in colder temperatures rather than fly away.

Another way to attract ladybugs to your garden is to place several ladybug habitation boxes around your garden. Fillrepparttar 135421 boxes with organic material such as peat or compost to encourage ladybugs to roost and lay eggs insiderepparttar 135422 box. In addition,repparttar 135423 habitation box also provides protection forrepparttar 135424 ladybugs inrepparttar 135425 winter months.

To further promote ladybug populations, consider cutting back on spraying insecticides in your garden. Ladybugs are sensitive to most synthetic insecticides and ifrepparttar 135426 majority of their food source is gone, they will not lay their eggs and therefore will not continue to populate.

Here are some interesting ladybug facts: •There are nearly 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs worldwide and 400 which live in North America.

•A female ladybug will lay more than 1000 eggs in her lifetime.

•A ladybug beats its wings 85 times a second when it flies.

•A gallon jar will hold from 72,000 to 80,000 ladybugs.

•Ladybugs make a chemical that smells and tastes terrible so that birds and other predators won't eat them.

•The spots on a ladybug fade asrepparttar 135427 ladybug gets older.

•Ladybugs won't fly ifrepparttar 135428 temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

•The ladybug isrepparttar 135429 official state insect of Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Tennessee.

As you can see,repparttar 135430 ladybug is one ofrepparttar 135431 most effective and economically important insects to have in your garden. In some cultures, seeing ladybugs in gardens indicates a bountiful harvest, an indication of good weather or a good luck omen. Create an alluring environment for ladybugs and they are sure to provide charm and pest control in your garden for years to come.

Copyright 2005, Lesley Dietschy, All rights reserved.

Lesley Dietschy is the creator/editor of The Home Decor Exchange, a popular home decor, garden decor, and home improvement website. Please visit the website for quality resources, articles, ideas, tips, free projects, and much more. The website also has a shopping marketplace and a unique Gallery featuring Pine Needle Baskets and Gourd Art.

About Hummingbirds and How to Attract Them to Your Garden

Written by Lesley Dietschy

Continued from page 1

Southeastern United States:

•Butterfly Bush •Cardinal Flower •Coral or Trumpet Honeysuckle •Cypress Vine •Native Trumpet Creeper •Texas Sage

Southwest United States:

•Indian Paintbrush •Lantana •Lily ofrepparttar Nile •Mexican Honeysuckle •Texas Sage •Western Coral Bean

West Coast United States:

•Beebalm •Bottle Brush •Cape Fuchsia •Colombine •Salmonberry •Woodland Orchard

Northeastern United States:

•Blue Lobelia •Cardinal Flower •Hollyhock •Red Morning Glory •Salvia •Scarlet Sage

Midwest United States:

•Coral Bells •Coral Honeysuckle •Foxglove •Hosta •Impatients •Lilac

Even though flowers arerepparttar 135405 natural means to attract hummingbirds to your garden, man-made feeders filled with a mixture of water and sugar (sucrose) are an essential alternative. Sugar, whether from a flower or a feeder, is a necessary nutrient in a hummingbird’s diet. Tests have shown that hummingbirds favor sucrose in flower nectar more than other sugars such as fructose and glucose. Therefore, withrepparttar 135406 proper ratio of ingredients, your feeder becomes a good substitute torepparttar 135407 flowers that hummingbirds like best.

The formula forrepparttar 135408 mixture used in hummingbird feeders is 4 parts water (not distilled) to 1 part table sugar. Boilrepparttar 135409 mixture for one to two minutes, then cool and store in refrigerator. The mixture can be stored inrepparttar 135410 refrigerator for up to one week. Do not use red food coloring, honey, or artificial sweeteners in your mixture, as this could be harmful torepparttar 135411 hummingbirds.

If one of your goals is to attract hummingbirds to your garden, a visit to your local nursery is a great starting point. Find an experienced employee who can tell you which species of plants grow well in your area and have a history of successfully attracting hummingbirds. Most importantly, be imaginative and have fun planting and growing your garden to attract beautiful hummingbirds.

Copyright 2005, Lesley Dietschy, All rights reserved.

Lesley Dietschy is the creator/editor of The Home Decor Exchange, a popular home decor, garden decor, and home improvement website. Please visit the website for quality resources, articles, ideas, tips, free projects, and much more. The website also has a shopping marketplace and a unique Gallery featuring Pine Needle Baskets and Gourd Art.

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