Written by Darren Andrews

Continued from page 1

and offered to place an ad on my site for anyone who had an article accepted -- as long as they signed up through my affiliate link (for a writing course) as my subaffiliate!

This is a double benefit to me because (a) I get more subaffiliates and (b) it's a great incentive for people to use my service.

The result? Well, I now have over 60 subaffiliates in that one program alone. I get a check *every* month and I do absolutely nothing!

You'll need to adapt this to your own site / ezine of course.

Idea #3 - Personally Host Your Superaffiliates' Cloaked Affiliate Links!

There are a few cloaking devices out there now, no notrepparttar Klingon ones,repparttar 102528 ones that use zero-frame technology to keep your URL present inrepparttar 102529 browser address bar at all times.

If you own an affiliate program why not offer a select few superaffiliates or JV partners their own cloaked redirect page on your site?

Why do this?

Well, if you don't they might do it from their site and you'll loserepparttar 102530 URL when visitors from your superaffiliate's site visit your own. This will lose you name recognition and possibly book-marking if they have it in their minds to use onlyrepparttar 102531 absolute URL (which will be your superaffiliate's site and not your own!).

Another reason is that it will give a greater benefit to your superaffiliate - not least of which will berepparttar 102532 perception among his own subscribers that he is *not* pushing an affiliate program!

To learn how to set up redirects (and about cloakers) visit:

Darren Andrews is an Internet marketer and likes unique ideas - preferrably no-cost ones! One of his own "unique" ideas, supported by some of the top names in Internet marketing, can be viewed at: ===>

Is There Really Any Way to Make Big Money With Affiliate Programs?

Written by Lisa M. Cope

Continued from page 1

On torepparttar job of promoting your new affiliate business.

There are of course many ways to promote any new business. There are way to many to list in this short article. Lucky for you there are many excellent books onrepparttar 102527 subject. Two really good ones are The Associate Program Marketing Handbook, by Marlon Sanders and Super Affiliate Strategies, by Jimmy D. Brown.

Just to give you an idea of where you can start I'll list some ofrepparttar 102528 best ways that I know of to promote any business online.

First Create a free newsletter. Provide interesting content,useful information and mix in a plug or two forrepparttar 102529 affiliate programs you are promoting. You can submit your ezine to online ezine directories and promote it on your web site to get subscribers.

Participate in chat rooms or on discussion boards related torepparttar 102530 product you're promoting. Again provide useful information be helpful ask questions. Don't post blatant ads. That is a big NO NO on most boards unless otherwise stated. Ifrepparttar 102531 time presents itself while you are chatting, mentionrepparttar 102532 product. If it doesn't then let an attention getting signature file, that you have created give them a good reason to visit your affiliate site. Remember you arerepparttar 102533 gentle persuader.

You may also consider putting together a free ebook or writing short informative articles with useful information and a link to your web site then submit it to some ebook or article directories, like and

Another good thing you can do is write your own ad copy. Think about it this way. If allrepparttar 102534 affiliates are usingrepparttar 102535 same ads your just another ad inrepparttar 102536 crowd. But, if you write your own ads it will give you an edge over your competition.

One more thing to remember is that nothing goes as far as your own personal endorsement. Reviewrepparttar 102537 product then in your own words explainrepparttar 102538 benefits and results your customers can expect by usingrepparttar 102539 product. Use gentle persuave words to peek your prospects intrest and get them to click on your affiliate link that is your main objective. Letrepparttar 102540 product sales letter dorepparttar 102541 hard selling for you! After all you arerepparttar 102542 gentle persuader.

So to answerrepparttar 102543 question "Is There Really Any Way to Make Big Money With Affiliate Programs?" The answer is a resounding YES YOU CAN!

Lisa M Cope - a Work at Home Mom on a Mission! To help other parents learn how to build a Successful Business Online and enjoy the financial freedom it takes to stay at home with their children. Visit and get the resources you need to succeed!

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