Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

Lettuce should be planted where it will get full sun in Spring and Fall, but partial shade duringrepparttar hottest part ofrepparttar 115829 Summer season.

Plant your lettuce seeds when night-time temperatures are no longer likely to fall below 25 degrees.

Sowrepparttar 115830 seeds sparingly about 1/2” deep and thinrepparttar 115831 plants.

The pulled plants are good to eat so don’t just toss them.

Keeprepparttar 115832 soil moist but do not wetrepparttar 115833 foliage any more than necessary.

Head lettuce matures in about 10-11 weeks afterrepparttar 115834 seeds are sown.

Loose lettuce matures in 6-7 weeks, Butterhead is ready in about 9-10 weeks, and Romaine comes to full maturity in about 11-12 weeks.

If you don’t use up all your lettuce seeds, don’t throw them away. Unused seeds will keep for about 6 years.

So, if you are a salad lover, than growing your own lettuce is justrepparttar 115835 thing for your garden. Picking your own fresh salad fixings will make that “rabbit food” staple of any fine meal an extra special treat. ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002

Arleen has written numerous articles for magazines/newspapers.

Author: e-cookbooks Website: http://www.rusticliving.info http://www.topica.com/lists/simpleliving http://www.webspawner.com/users/rusticliving

Origins of Obesity

Written by Bette L. Hall CMA, NHC

Continued from page 1

Even our jobs are sedentary. Secretaries and receptionists aren'trepparttar only ones who sit all day long. Computer programmers and webmasters sit at their computers all day. Scientists and lab technologists sit in a lab all day. Other people who are sedentary onrepparttar 115828 job are researchers, authors, poets, artists, insurance agents, telemarketers, and telephone operators. Andrepparttar 115829 list goes on and on.

We aren't as active as our grandparents were when they were young. Therefore, we need to look for ways to be active. Physical activity not only helps you to become a slimmer you, but also provides many health benefits. Walking should be your best friend.

Slimmer You is a lifestyle not a fad diet, nor a quick fix. Rather, it is a spiritual matter. It's about changing habits and believing in your self.

What we eat and drink along withrepparttar 115830 level of physical activity is what determines whether you'll be a slimmer you or not.


Bette has been writing articles in the weight loss, diet, and nutrition arena for over twenty years. Her degree is in applied science with a major in Medical Assistant. She is a member in good standing of the (AAMA) American Association of Medical Assistants and is a consultant for http://www.slimmeryou.org.

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