Knowledge To Bring With You For The Nursing Home Admission

Written by Tammy Gonzales

Continued from page 1

The next essential piece of information isrepparttar name of a funeral home or mortuary inrepparttar 110366 event thatrepparttar 110367 resident expires inrepparttar 110368 nursing home. It is a relief for family members during an emotional event to have some plans already in place.

Duringrepparttar 110369 admissions processrepparttar 110370 coordinator will require copies ofrepparttar 110371 resident’s Social Security card, Medicare card, and other insurance cards. The nursing home will use this information to verify benefits and howrepparttar 110372 insurance will pay and how longrepparttar 110373 insurance company will pay for services.

A copy ofrepparttar 110374 resident’s Living Will and a Power of Attorney is required if they have been done but are not necessary.

The Admissions Coordinator will also request financial information to help you with future financial planning for your resident.

Tammy Gonzales, Life Coach and Advocate to Caregivers, of Revitalife Coaching & Consulting, LLC guides Baby-Boomers and the Sandwich Generation on how to take initiative to manage aging and caregiving before it becomes a crisis. Visit for more information.

How Will You Pay For Skilled Rehabilitation In The Nursing Home

Written by Tammy Gonzales

Continued from page 1

Most states offer a Medicaid Program for individuals who meetrepparttar financial eligibility and medical need criteria. Please contact your State’s Department of Human Services Income Support Division (local Medicaid office) to see if you or your loved one meetsrepparttar 110365 criteria for assistance. Most individuals fear that they may loose their home or all of their income and assets if they apply for assistance. There are laws and regulations in each state that provides Medicaid to protectrepparttar 110366 home or homestead and to protectrepparttar 110367 spouse from poverty. There are also attorney’s that specialize in Elder Law that can help you protect your income and assets and plan forrepparttar 110368 transition to State Medicaid Assistance when you or your loved ones resources become exhausted.

Nursing homes generate income from providing rehabilitation services to keep financially afloat. They check to see that they will make a profit from providingrepparttar 110369 patientrepparttar 110370 services they need. That means that everythingrepparttar 110371 patient needs inrepparttar 110372 way of treatments, therapy and medications must be covered by your insurance before they agree to accept a patient from a hospital.

The nursing home will also want to get an understanding ofrepparttar 110373 patient’s cognitive status and psycho/social-well-being to see that they are appropriate for their facility unless they have a contract withrepparttar 110374 discharging hospital. Keep in mind that not all nursing homes are adapted to serve all types of patients. If you or loved one has some behavioral issues, related to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or psychiatric problems they may not be accepted for admission. You may need to find a nursing home that specializes for those types of paient needs.

Understanding your insurance benefits and your needs will get yourepparttar 110375 services you require for a successful rehabilitation stay.

Tammy Gonzales, Life Coach and Advocate to Caregivers, of Revitalife Coaching & Consulting, LLC guides Baby-Boomers and the Sandwich Generation on how to take initiative to manage aging and caregiving before it becomes a crisis. Visit for more information.

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