Knowledge Management made Simple

Written by David Brewster

Continued from page 1


For business,repparttar challenge of 'Knowledge Management' is all about trying to capturerepparttar 106401 knowledge of our people and embed it within our organisation. This reduces reliance on key individuals and makesrepparttar 106402 business more 'scalable'. It also saves time and effort as identical problems aren't solved and re-solved over and over again.

Knowledge sharing isrepparttar 106403 ultimate 'win-win'. No matter how many times we share our knowledge with others, we still get to keep it for ourselves.

This doesn't make knowledge management easy to do. There are no short-cuts. It takes time and effort. (That's why apprenticeships take three or four years.)

While technology may have a role to play in enhancing Knowledge Management, it is ultimately a people issue. It needs trust, an open environment and plenty of direct interaction. It needs forums for people to share their experiences and perspectives.

The growth ofrepparttar 106404 Knowledge Management industry has occurred in part because organisations are realising thatrepparttar 106405 knowledge of their people makes up a large part their value. The starting point is creation ofrepparttar 106406 time, space and environment for knowledge sharing to happen. It may be no more than a loosely structured version of Friday afternoon drinks.

(For further reading and five thoughts on how to promote knowledge sharing, visit

© David Brewster, February 2002

David Brewster runs 'Business Simplification' and writes, talks and coaches on reducing the complexity of business and achieving greater clarity and effectiveness

Seeking Clarity in Uncertain Times

Written by David Brewster

Continued from page 1

Despite this, there are many things you can do to improve your level of clarity (see But none of these will work unless you are prepared to do two things:

- First, you need to be prepared to be honest with yourself. It can be very convenient to kid yourself that you have clarity - that you have allrepparttar answers - when really you are simply tired of trying.

The histories of science and business are littered with examples of evidence being selectively gathered - and ignored - to support a preconceived notion, rather than to truly understand. Takerepparttar 106400 various large business collapses of recent times as cases in point. 'Experts' do it allrepparttar 106401 time.

- Secondly, remember that we always have lived and always will live in uncertain times - and we will always be busy. I foundrepparttar 106402 following in a business book recently: "Most easily isrepparttar 106403 necessity for personal stock-taking overlooked inrepparttar 106404 rush andrepparttar 106405 routine of earning a living". It was written in 1876*.

The time to take stock is now.

*James Platt, "Business", London, 1876

© David Brewster, May 2002

David Brewster runs 'Business Simplification' and writes, talks and coaches on reducing the complexity of business and achieving greater clarity and effectiveness

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