Know Your Muscles - The Mid-Section

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1

2. Obliquus abdominis - this muscle runs diagonally alongrepparttar side ofrepparttar 112976 mid-section fromrepparttar 112977 lower ribcage torepparttar 112978 pubic area. There are two muscles on each side, with internal obliques lying underneathrepparttar 112979 external obliques. The obliques help your torso to flex torepparttar 112980 side, twist atrepparttar 112981 waist and help in bendingrepparttar 112982 torso forwards.

3. Transversus abdominis - this isrepparttar 112983 deepest ofrepparttar 112984 abdominal muscles and consists of a thin strip that runs horizontally acrossrepparttar 112985 abdomen. This muscle helps keeprepparttar 112986 internal organs in place, forces outrepparttar 112987 breath and stabilizesrepparttar 112988 spine.

4. Erector spinae - this large muscle group runs alongrepparttar 112989 side ofrepparttar 112990 lower spine. Consisting of a pair,repparttar 112991 erector spinae keepsrepparttar 112992 spine erect and helps twisting atrepparttar 112993 waist.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Holiday Health: Give Get-Fit Gifts

Written by Louise Roach

Continued from page 1

“Maybe someone you know needs motivation to get up and get going. Why not give a ‘home gym in a bag’? A few suggestions to include are: free weights, a jump rope, resistance bands, workout videos, a yoga mat, a BMI scale, a heart rate monitor, sport drinks, and protein bars. Of course every home gym needs first aid inrepparttar form of an ice therapy product to take care of strained muscles. Then wrap it all up in a bright tote bag for giving.

“Several other themes for Get-Fit Gifts could be biking, hiking and backpacking. A visit to your local athletic store can offer many ideas such as a day pack, water carrying system, socks, hats, compass (or GPS system), utility tool, first aid kit, a spa product and destination books.”

With a little creativity, you can put together healthy, useful gifts that will be well appreciated throughoutrepparttar 112975 New Year.

Louise Roach has been instrumental in the development of SnowPack, a patented cold therapy that exhibits the same qualities as ice. SnowPack offers two Body-n-Ice Kits that make perfect Get-Fit Gifts by themselves. They’re a great idea for soccer families and active Baby Boomers, plus everyone in between. For more information visit:

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