Know Your Muscle Building Exercises - The Shoulders

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1

1. Dumbbell lateral raises - this exercise providesrepparttar best way to developrepparttar 113022 lateral head ofrepparttar 113023 deltoid.

- Holdrepparttar 113024 dumbbells atrepparttar 113025 sides withrepparttar 113026 palms facingrepparttar 113027 thighs.

- Raiserepparttar 113028 arms up and torepparttar 113029 sides until parallel torepparttar 113030 floor. Make surerepparttar 113031 elbows remain slightly bent.

- Pause.

- Lower with control torepparttar 113032 starting position.

2. Bent-over dumbbell lateral raises.

- Bend over atrepparttar 113033 waist withrepparttar 113034 knees slightly bent.

- Raiserepparttar 113035 arms up and torepparttar 113036 sides as high as possible.

- Pause.

- Lower with control torepparttar 113037 starting position.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

The Importance Of Sets In Your Muscle Building Program

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1

Like everything else in life, bodybuilding does not remain static and several cutting edge experts have redefinedrepparttar boundaries of achievement. Increasingly, serious athletes are using methods that extendrepparttar 113021 set beyondrepparttar 113022 point of failure. This involves forcingrepparttar 113023 muscle to perform more work despite having experienced failure inrepparttar 113024 previous rep. In practice, you perform one last forced repetition withrepparttar 113025 help of a training partner.

This obviously calls for great commitment and high motivation butrepparttar 113026 rewards include better mass gains thanks torepparttar 113027 greater muscular overload. Such intensive training places additional importance onrepparttar 113028 need to lift with sound technique and to incorporate sufficient recovery time into your muscle building program.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

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