Know Money to Make Money

Written by Ivon T. Hughes

Continued from page 1

In all seasons, and at specific times of year, there are articles needed on issues like retirement planning, education funding,savings, tax filing and brackets, insurance, estate planning,family finances, and more.

But what if you don't know anything about any of these topics? If you're willing to do some research and learn a few things, you'll not only be armed withrepparttar knowledge you've gained, but you will also be poised to make some great money. Try going to a search engine like Google, and you will find thousands of articles on money, investments, and all types of insurance. Spend some time learningrepparttar 129070 ropes and your study could pay off big time.

In fact, many websites even hold contests to promote themselves and build a crop of writers. These sites are looking for interesting articles that teach, entertain, and inform on money, finances, investments, and insurance. The major prizes can be worth thousands torepparttar 129071 writer, making a few hours of research and time spent writing well worth it. As sites build a list of writers, they will typically increaserepparttar 129072 number of writing contests they hold, making it easier and easier to get in onrepparttar 129073 action.

Ivon T. Hughes is founder of which, for a limited time, is sponsoring a writing contest for articles about term life insurance and Term Deposits/GICs. See the site for guidelines. All entries are FREE, and you will never be asked to pay any sort of fee.

Top 10 Tips to Complete a Creative Writing Project Without Losing Your Creativity

Written by Ginger Blanchette

Continued from page 1

7.Keep Creating & Editing times separate. If you edit while you write,repparttar process can become boring. Clearly block a specific amount of time for editing into your schedule. Don’t let it interfere with your creative writing time!

8.If blocked, shake things up! Do something fun, unusual, active! Get your mind somewhere else and move your body. Your creative side will work in your subconscious while you’re at play. Readrepparttar 129068 tips in The Artist’s Way. There are also many resources onrepparttar 129069 internet for handling writers’ block. Check some of these links:

9.Have a Fan Club. Critics and editors are fine, but have a few friends or family members who you can ask to cheer you on or cheer you up, no matter what you write. Hire a Creativity Coach to keep you focused and to be an unbiased supporter of your creative success!

10.Celebrate in a big way! When you reachrepparttar 129070 big finish, give it a big finish! Do something you’ve always wanted to do, but have never done before. Makerepparttar 129071 finish so memorable that you’ll be eager to begin your next creative writing project!

Ginger Blanchette is a Life and Business Coach who supports her clients to share their creativity. She works with professionals and business people who are ready to complete big projects involving writing and/or public speaking and to be recognized for what they do! Contact her at for a free sample coaching session.

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