KiteSurfing Equipment

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

There are three types of kits: inflatable kites, single skin framed kites and ram air foil kites. All of these kites can be launched from withinrepparttar water. Inflatable kites are blown-up with a pump onrepparttar 133223 sand and are slowly lifted asrepparttar 133224 surfer approachesrepparttar 133225 beach line. Special precautions must be held so that innocent passersby do not get hurt. It is much better for any kite to be launched from withinrepparttar 133226 water instead ofrepparttar 133227 sand.

There are several quality kite makers that supplyrepparttar 133228 various shapes, colors and sizes including: Wipika, Naish, Sea Jump, Seasmik, KiteSki, C-Quad, Banshee, Concept Air and fOne. The price ofrepparttar 133229 kite will range from $ 500 to $ 1,500. You can find many places onrepparttar 133230 web as well as in surf pro shops that will get you started from about $300 and up. Some people have been creative and created their own kites.

The last piece isrepparttar 133231 board. Most boards are rigid, thus there is very little movement involved. Your feet become harnessed torepparttar 133232 board and a leash is recommended so you do not loserepparttar 133233 board after a crash or re-entry fromrepparttar 133234 sky. A typical board can range from $ 500 to $ 1,200.

Remember, your safety and well-being are tied torepparttar 133235 equipment you use, it is wise to do research onrepparttar 133236 various brands available and if at all possible try them out before you buy them. This way you can tell if it fits you well and is easy to maneuver.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

How To KiteSurf

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

You should always wear a helmet. Like bicycle laws they are encouraged in some countries and mandatory in others. Your head isrepparttar most delicate part of your body, if you crash intorepparttar 133222 sea at a high-rate of speed or run into rocks your chances of suffering head trauma can be disabling.

Watchrepparttar 133223 weather conditions. It is important to understandrepparttar 133224 weather andrepparttar 133225 effects of strong wind and how it can play havoc on avid KiteSurfers.

Other guidelines you will learn alongrepparttar 133226 way will be important and somewhat common knowledge but it is good to go overrepparttar 133227 basics to make sure you andrepparttar 133228 people around you remain safe as you launch.

· Never launch kites in crowded swimming areas · Do not lay your lines out alongrepparttar 133229 beach · Whenever possible try not to launch kite fromrepparttar 133230 sand · Be willing to help KiteSurfers as they re-enterrepparttar 133231 beach · When making jumps inrepparttar 133232 water, measurerepparttar 133233 downwind zone · If you can not swim far distances avoid going deep intorepparttar 133234 ocean · Use your self-rescue signals when killing power torepparttar 133235 kite · Always wear a life-jacket or a buoyancy jacket.

By followingrepparttar 133236 simple rules you can keep yourself as well as those around you safe during launch and re-entry torepparttar 133237 beach.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

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