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Jim, on
other hands, talks to several landscaping experts. He draws out on paper what he wants his yard to look like, carefully grouping plants to give year-round beauty. He goes to a couple of different nurseries and purchases
best plants and lawn care products. He buys an oak tree for his back yard. He plants his purchases and follows
directions and advice he has been given to care for his lawn. He works on it a little bit every day, and slowly builds it to a prize-winning yard.
Year after year, John has an ugly lawn because he doesn't want to put in
time and effort it takes to build a well-kept yard.
Thirty years later, Jim's yard is still
best looking yard on
block, and his grandkids are building a tree house in
oak tree in
back yard.
What kind of a business are you building? Are you looking for
fast buck? Are you joining everything and anything you can without any careful planning as to how it all fits together? Are you sitting back just waiting for everyone to come, buy your products, and make you a millionaire without any effort on your part?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then all you're going to get is a yard full of ugly weeds and dirt holes.
Take some time and put together a business plan. Figure out where you want to be in 30 years. Talk to experts to find out what works and what doesn't. Work a little bit every day taking care of your business.
If you do these things, your business may grow slowly, but it will grow solidly. Your business will be able to withstand
storms that come along. And in 30 years, you and your family will still be enjoying what you've built.

Sharon Dalton Williams is a Christian freelance writer whose goal is to change the world one word at a time. Subscribe to her weekly column, *From Sharon’s Pen,* at