Keys to Responsible Recreation in the BackCountry

Written by Chuck Fitzgerald

Continued from page 1

-When hiking or biking, stay on designated trails. This keeps damage to vegetation and erosion in one place.

-Before leaving your campsite, clean your fire pit and your campsite. Make it as clean as you would want it if you were arriving that day. The next user will appreciate it.

Leave-No-Trace,, offersrepparttar following Principles for Outdoor Ethics: Plan Ahead and Prepare, Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces, Dispose of Waste Properly, Leave What You Find, Minimize Campfire Impacts, Respect Wildlife and Be Considerate of Other Visitors.

Here isrepparttar 133180 Tread Lightly!,, pledge: Travel and recreate with minimum impact, Respectrepparttar 133181 environment andrepparttar 133182 rights of others, Educate yourself – plan and prepare before you go, Allow for future use ofrepparttar 133183 outdoors – leave it better than you found it and Discoverrepparttar 133184 rewards of responsible recreation.

Responsible recreation means havingrepparttar 133185 common sense andrepparttar 133186 courtesy to enjoyrepparttar 133187 backcountry without spoiling someone else’s experience. Most outdoor enthusiasts understand this very well and spend a good deal of their time restoring, enhancing and conserving our backcountry. Have a good time when you’re outdoors, share these keys with your friends and use this information to Get It Right The First Time.

Get Outdoors!

About the author: Chuck Fitzgerald is the President of Arizona based BackCountry Toys, an online store providing backcountry specialty gear and educational information for outdoor enthusiasts. Visit to receive the free newsletter "FreshAir” or call (800) 316-9055.

US Women Soccer Superstars - Victims of Their Own Success

Written by Chris Lauber

Continued from page 1

They were enjoying allrepparttar fruits of their many years of labor. Their dreams of just a few years ago, playing in front of huge crowds, of being recognized, had been realized - repeatedly.

Inrepparttar 133179 beginning, we wanted nothing more than for these players to be given their due, for them to enjoy their success. Now they are living likerepparttar 133180 superstars they have always been, with fans hanging out in their hotel lobby and screaming for autographs wherever they go. Easy access is probably gone forever. Recognizing and understanding that was an eye-opener.

Imagine being a Bruce Springsteen fan inrepparttar 133181 early Stone Pony days, before he rocketed to worldwide fame and glory. Perhaps you had a chance to talk to him, maybe even hang out with him. While you knew he was something special and you wanted him to reachrepparttar 133182 rarefied air of superstardom, once he did, your little secret was out. No more casual chats. No more hanging out. Now you’re lucky to get an overpriced ticket inrepparttar 133183 nosebleed seats from a scalper.

But of course, like Bruce, try as they might, our National Team can no longer satisfy everyone. They still carry their own pens for autographs afterrepparttar 133184 games, but now there are increased post-game media demands.

While goalkeeper Briana Scurry didrepparttar 133185 post-game ESPN interview that day in New Orleans, forwards Cindy Parlow and Mia Hamm wererepparttar 133186 first to be interviewed byrepparttar 133187 local media, followed by forward Tiffeny Milbrett, defender Brandi Chastain, and Head Coach April Heinrichs. The rest ofrepparttar 133188 players signed autographs, but with 15,000 fans, it was simply impossible to accommodate every fan.

Leah didn’t try to acquire autographs that day. She already has plenty, and on that day, we also had field photo credentials. Not only is autograph-collecting taboo for "objective" journalists, but our memories ofrepparttar 133189 game will be inrepparttar 133190 photos we captured.

Afterrepparttar 133191 game, asrepparttar 133192 players boardedrepparttar 133193 bus, I saw one woman approach a team official. She was ranting and raving that she had driven five hours to bring her daughter torepparttar 133194 game and that her daughter didn’t get any autographs fromrepparttar 133195 players. The team official explained thatrepparttar 133196 players signed autographs for a half hour INSIDErepparttar 133197 stadium, which was true.

Apparently, this woman and her daughter had been positioned inrepparttar 133198 wrong place and were headed home empty-handed. As she stormed off, she yelled, “BOOO Women’s National Team!! I’ll never come to another game! BOOO!”

I am certain other fans left empty-handed as well or disappointed with just one or two autographs. I am also certain this woman’s experience will be repeated duringrepparttar 133199 current 10-game Fan's Celebration Tour and at future games as well.

Our National Team players are victims of their own success. After working so hard, for so long, to develop their fan support, it is simply impossible for them to continue to be so accessible and provide autographs to every fan who wants one.

So if you are lucky enough to see our National Team play this year or in any other games inrepparttar 133200 future, go to enjoyrepparttar 133201 skill,repparttar 133202 intensity andrepparttar 133203 passion these gifted athletes put into their effort. If you are really lucky, and do get an autograph or two, even better.

But you shouldn’t be disappointed if you don’t get any autographs. And you should forewarn your kids that it might not be possible this time around, which will lessen their disappointment.

Finally, as you’re driving home, take advantage ofrepparttar 133204 opportunity to focus with your kids onrepparttar 133205 positive values (hard work, commitment, perseverance) these incredible athletes exemplify. Those are lessons we should want all our children to learn.

Chris Lauber is the editor of Soccer Dreams, written by his daughter, Leah, to describe her true adventure following the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, as a fan and 12-year-old Junior Reporter during the historic 1999 Women’s World Cup, available at Help make Soccer Dreams a Bestseller on Leah’s 18th birthday. Purchase Soccer Dreams at Amazon on November 8th and receive numerous bonuses. For details, send us an e-mail at

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