Key Things I've Learned From Studying The Lives of Great Achievers

Written by Josh Hinds

Continued from page 1

As you move forward on your success journey and begin to believe that you are cut out for greatness be sure to reach for and reviewrepparttar countless stories of those that have overcome what was in their way and reached their own definition of success. Let these examples be your fuel as you move towards your own dreams.

The reality is that you were born for great things, even if you can't fathom this to be true at this time in your life -- I assure you it is still so.

I'm not saying for a moment that it's always going to be an easy path to follow. After all, if life were all a bed of roses we'd all be livingrepparttar 122973 good life. But sadly, that's not so, life takes work, it takes commitment, it takes a lot of persistence, and a commitment to oneself to berepparttar 122974 best one possibly can be.

I'll leave you with this final point. If you knew just how much greatness is inside you I'm convinced it would absolutely amaze you -- you would live each day taking more chances because you knew that with each attempt you're one step closer to unlocking greater success. So my challenge for you at this very moment is to get on withrepparttar 122975 business of beingrepparttar 122976 best you can be. Dream big dreams, plan and putrepparttar 122977 action necessary to bring outrepparttar 122978 great achievements you are capable of.

Yours in success, Josh Hinds

Josh Hinds of specializes in helping people to achieve maximum success and live the life of their dreams -- receive his motivation newsletter at . He is also the co-founder of

How to Handle Fear and Anxiety

Written by Garland Van Dyke

Continued from page 1

3. Fightrepparttar Fear and Anxiety - You have God-given abilities and talents to handle your issues. If you have a real fear of something, take it apart mentally. There are parts you can control and probably parts beyond your control. Dorepparttar 122972 things you can do about your fear-item; forrepparttar 122973 things you cannot handle, seek professional help. You will eventually fight through torepparttar 122974 end and defeat your issues. Discoverrepparttar 122975 root of your anxiety and realize that 90% ofrepparttar 122976 bad things never come about.

4. Clean up your Personal Life - Guilt can lead people to fear. If you want to stop looking over your shoulder to see who’s about to catch you then stop doingrepparttar 122977 things that are hurting your conscience. Make it a personal rule to never again makerepparttar 122978 mistakes you are making. Rectify all things you are able. Ask for forgiveness from those you’ve injured. Start doing only positive things in your life. Stick byrepparttar 122979 morals that are found inrepparttar 122980 Bible.

5. Count your Blessings on a Regular Basis – If you are alive you have things to be thankful for. Takerepparttar 122981 time to name them.

Garland Van Dyke is an author and speaker who focuses on using spiritually based techniques to help the spirit within to thrive. Contact Garland at,

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