Keeping Your Pop-Ups - and Your Audience

Written by Lauri Harpf

Continued from page 1

2. Do not use more than one pop-up on a single page. Using multiple pop-ups is unlikely to greatly increaserepparttar response rate to your advertising, but it will ensure thatrepparttar 134537 patience of your visitors wears thin a lot faster. A horde of pop-ups appearing atrepparttar 134538 same time may crash some browsers and slow older computers down to a crawl.

3. Consider launching your pop-ups atrepparttar 134539 moment users exit your site rather than when they arrive to it. This is likely to make your advertisements seem less distracting, because at that point your visitors have already finished using your site and foundrepparttar 134540 information they were looking for.

If you choose to use exit pop-ups, remember that they offer an excellent opportunity to retain contact with a visitor that may otherwise be lost in cyberspace. A pop-up to bookmark your site or subscribe to your newsletter is likely to work better at this stage, asrepparttar 134541 user has already seen that you run a high-quality site.

4. Just like all other forms of advertising you use, your pop-ups should offer content that is relevant torepparttar 134542 topic of your site. For example, it's a much better idea to have a pop-up that sells subscriptions to Sports Illustrated on your Boston Bruins fan site than a pop-up for an Internet casino. Not only does it get a better response rate, but it also makes your site to look more professional.

5. Every time you add pop-up advertisements or adjust existing ones, keep a close eye on how your audience reacts torepparttar 134543 changes. Your visitor count,repparttar 134544 time an average visitor spends on your site andrepparttar 134545 number of page views per visitor are all important meters that will promptly notify you of any possible problems.

Lauri Harpf runs the A Promotion Guide website, where he offers free information about search engines, directories and other promotion methods. His site can be found at

"No Giant Pop-Ups, Please!"

Written by Polly Hummingbird

Continued from page 1

I guess it is one ofrepparttar mysteries of Internet Marketing that needs to be quickly solved.

Many fine web hosts are losing their respect daily, due to giant pop-ups. They are probably losing valuable clients as well. No amount of commission that is received fromrepparttar 134536 sponsors of giant pop-ups can possibly compensate for this irreparable loss.

What isrepparttar 134537 solution to this problem?

Place conditions onrepparttar 134538 use of pop-ups.

* pop-ups must only be a maximum of 5" X 5" in size

* pop-ups must offer an immediate promotion

* pop-ups must NOT contain a link to another site

* pop-ups must load in a corner of a webpage

It is important to immediately deal with this issue, because many websites might be losing a considerable portion of their "respectable" clientele.

Also, little pop-ups might end of getting thrown out one day due to a possible overall ban on ALL pop-ups. This would not be a good thing, since little pop-ups are super promoters.

When it comes to pop-ups, say "Yes" torepparttar 134539 little ones, but "No" torepparttar 134540 giant ones.

Polly Hummingbird hosts an Internet course on how to "Write An Amazing Bestseller". Contact:

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