Continued from page 1
Proof of intent behind these invisible puzzles cannot be found individually (unless they somehow slip up - and in these very rare cases they execute "black ops" to immediately eliminate evidence). Despite this lack of proof, if you look at how hundreds of these invisible puzzles fit together you will see how we are thoroughly enslaved by them, while channeling power and wealth to "very few very powerful". Invisible puzzles hide inside just about every system you interact with (laws, computers, commerce, traffic, finance, school, etc.) and they hide inside just about every product and service you buy. Whether by intent or by society's own clumsiness, my website shows how a network of these invisible puzzles form infrastructure to an Invisible Slavery System. I show how ISS is responsible for robbing 95% of what we do, through a myriad of seemingly unrelated issues that we are forced to contend with every day. Most people see it differently, because within this delusional perception-engineered-realm, thought that they are actually slaves just does not make sense to them.
The net effect to living inside an invisible human slave colony is: ˇUnending tangible issues that take away your hard earned money ˇSevere reduction of your life span through manipulation of key cellular functions, plus suppression and disabling of human regenerating cell
ˇSevere reduction of your health through consumption of garbage foods that we are taught to need and to like, and through use of Trojan Horse consumables that carry aneuploidogenic substances
ˇSevere reduction of your intelligence through programmed psychological walls and triggers, shortened attention spans, altered brain chemistry, and keeping us too busy to ponder and question
ˇStagnation of civilization as a whole as a result of heavy burden and limitations imposed by ISS ˇUnending global issues that are never solved, due to all lies that distort truth about them
Why? To amplify and maintain control and profits. People rarely question themselves, especially their convictions and their emotions, yet that is what's necessary to see ISS. Our perspectives and emotions have been steered to support it rather than resist it. Our thoughts have been molded to work hard to maintain and operate ISS, without any knowledge that it even exits. How can something so powerful take so much without our knowing it?
We interact within an environment that sets up rationale and visualizations that make sense relative to each other, one thing explains next thing, and so on, resulting in a complete circle of logical reasoning all based on itself, and all in support of a manufactured/manipulated world-view that they planned for our minds. I will show how these perspectives were engineered to get us to support and operate ISS, and its diabolical web of deniable alternate purpose behind each of our actions. This oppressor is so good at strategy and mind control that he gets us to do his dirty work. As Einstein once said, "The most important thing is to never stop questioning." And one thing I question is base line that we tend to use to determine what is healthy, what is a normal life-span, what is cost of living, what is a crook, what is justice, what is correct way for a computer to operate, etc. These things have base lines, which stem from what we are used to. So if what we are used to is all messed up, then we simply can't see it - and we call it "normal" instead of "messed up".
When truth is hidden from view what seems normal is accepted in its place. When we can't see it for ourselves, people in authority and others that we trust fill in blanks for us. We get used to it, and it becomes "right" for us. And then we believe we did see it for ourselves, when we really didn't. Invisible puzzles are responsible for automatically organizing and triggering this process. It goes beyond manufactured world-views, as entire cultures and religions have been built from these manipulated perspectives. All to profit "very few very powerful", or whomever it is that took control. In end we are handed a delusional realm to focus on while we work hard as slaves to meet demands of a ruthless oppressor. An oppressor who steals 95% of your effort (through combination of dozens of systems that you believe you have to interact with), feeds your body garbage that makes you sick (one of systems for making ISS profitable), feeds your mind lies (to keep perception cloak in place), makes you too busy to ponder and question (so that you will continue to fall for mind control), and having no regard for life kills us off at a young age (so we cannot wise up to system). As long as we are kept busy and we cooperate fully we may be allowed to live a bit longer, but for most part slaves are most useful while they are young, healthy and gullible. After that they are generally slaughtered for profit. (The "slaughter" part is cloaked as something else, like cancer, heart failure or old age, courtesy of ISS.)
The outdated social/political systems of today are unknowingly legs and arms of ISS. Through control, deception, and force, today's political/social systems unknowingly (for most part) are used by ISS to regulate, feed and monitor humanity like a herd of cattle, as they are put to work and ultimately slaughtered. In this mode real solutions to world's problems will never be found. The ISS controls your perspective, consequently channeling your emotions and perceptions, thereby prompting you to do precisely what ISS wants you to do. Awareness is key. Real knowledge is key. And "free will thought" is key. However, perspective controls all of it.
Continued in Invisible Slavery System - II
Emmett Dabru.