K.E.Y.S. To Your New Life

Written by Shannon Herod

Continued from page 1

Your advertising budget is also a key factor. If you haverepparttar money to spend on advertising make a budget and stick to it every month a few good places to advertise are:


•Google Ads

•Pay per click exchanges If money is an issue don’t worry there are great places to advertise that are completely free a few of great places are:

•Traffic exchanges

•Safe lists

•Banner Exchanges

Supply your knowledge. When ever you get a new recruit let that person know you are there to help. If you are a beginner don’t worry because chances are so isrepparttar 117176 person you just recruited. Rememberrepparttar 117177 better your downline doesrepparttar 117178 better you do! Be a leader and people will follow.

Keep your head up and never stop striving to reach you dream. The K.E.Y.S to your new life are setting in front of you, now you just need to un lockrepparttar 117179 door!

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Shannon Herod Publishes a newsletter for people like You! If you would like to receive free marketing tips, secrets, & techniques plus a free Internet Income Course - $295 Value and Invaluable articles, insider strategies, and information from the planet's highest-earning home business entrepreneurs! Subscribe F-R-E-E- at http://www.dreams2freedom.com

Getting The Most From Your Existing Customers

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar keys is to choose a product or service that COMPLIMENTS what you already do. Whatever your product or service is, think through what your customer is likely to buy based upon purchasing your product.

If you sell shoes, someone is going to sell them socks and it might as well be you. Not only will you increase your revenue but you will encounter less sales resistance and show your customers that you are thinking of them.

Another method is to choose a product or service that CONTRASTS what you sell now. If you normally sell a business related product come back at them with a personal product. Why should they NOT buy it from you? You have proven yourself as honest and dependable; now cash in on that hard work.


One final word. Your customers decided to trust you when they bought what you sell. Capitalize on those good feelings and ask them for their feedback on what you have in mind. This is by farrepparttar 117175 most powerful, yet virtually free, market research available inrepparttar 117176 land. Use it wisely and your EXISTING CUSTOMERS will tell you both what they want to buy and when they want to buy it.

All you have to do then is step up, fillrepparttar 117177 need, and go torepparttar 117178 bank.

_______ (c) 2002-2003 by Dan J. Brown, This article may be reprinted freely, providedrepparttar 117179 author byline and url remains intact.

Dan is currently working with:http://www.paidsurveysreport.com

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