Just How Bad IS That Person You Work For?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach & Consultant

Continued from page 1

Intuition? Your instincts in such an interchange should be shouting at you – THIS IS NOT GOOD. How your intuition talks to you is a personal thing. You may get a sinking feeling where you just “know”repparttar person can’t be approached at a human level and means ill. The hair could stand up onrepparttar 130578 back of your neck. Your palms could sweat. You could get a chill or weak knees – fear, in any of its manifestations. There’s nothing wimpy about this. A person who truly means ill to others, and in fact delights in serving it out, should raise such a reaction in you, and it should be heeded. That’s what our gut instincts are for: to keep us safe.

This gives yourepparttar 130579 tools for quick reality-testing. The physiological responses you get from your body help you to test reality. Ifrepparttar 130580 meeting had gone well, you would getrepparttar 130581 equivalent of a warm feeling in your tummy. Again, this isn’t a wussy thing. You should have a feeling of satisfaction and hope, with accompanying physiological manifestations. A letting up of tension. A relief. You might even end up laughing withrepparttar 130582 women (or man), as you both let off steam, agree it went poorly, and decide to move forward.

The person who slips into bad behavior under stress, but shows some insight into their behavior, and concern for others, could benefit from coaching. They may be depressed, overwhelmed, or simply not have hadrepparttar 130583 opportunity to learn EQ skills, or to understand how their behavior effects others. They may also have moved into a position where they no longer getrepparttar 130584 kind of feedback that helps us all adjust our behavior to mature levels, and stay honest.

The person who shows no remorse and no insight, is not coachable, and they are not “fixable” by you.

If you getrepparttar 130585 message (from your gut feelings) you’re dealing with a person who doesn’t care, PAY ATTENTION. Then it’s time to protect yourself, and do what you can not to raiserepparttar 130586 narcissistic rage again, while you make plans to get yourself somewhere else. It can be a long-term stressful thing while you remain, but you can learn ways to tolerate it better, and also to decreaserepparttar 130587 chances of it falling on you again.

“Turningrepparttar 130588 other cheek” will not work with a narcissistic personality. What you will get is a bigger slap onrepparttar 130589 other cheek.

Don’t let your empathy interfere with your common sense. You may senserepparttar 130590 misery ofrepparttar 130591 other person,repparttar 130592 sagging ego, orrepparttar 130593 desperate need to control, but don’t let this understanding of their motives over-riderepparttar 130594 fact thatrepparttar 130595 person is dishing out abuse. Whatever traumatic events in their past brought on this personality type, it is no excuse for bad behavior, and no reason to justify takingrepparttar 130596 abuse, so don’t rationalize it. This is a good EQ example, because in this case you need to get out ofrepparttar 130597 thinking brain (rationalizing) and back torepparttar 130598 emotional brains (instincts) forrepparttar 130599 reality-testing.

People do get promoted who shouldn’t be. Getrepparttar 130600 blinders off and use your EQ. It could save your career, not to mention your health.

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Executive, professional and individual coaching in emotional intelligence. Internet courses, teleclasses and ebooks. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine. Put “ezine” for subject line.

Home Based Business Ideas

Written by Paula Wilson

Continued from page 1

Affilate marketing is one ofrepparttar easiest ways to make money. Most affilate programs are free to join and give yourepparttar 130575 opportunity to offer great deals such as free satellite and unlimited video game rentals. Once you join affilate programs, you will need to create a webpage with your programs and participate in website promotion via search engine optimization and search engine submission.

Other ways to get your website noticed are to use article promotion and link exchanges. With link exchanges, you would ad text or graphic links of other related sites onto your site, and they would ad your site information onto their site. This will get your site noticed by more people and will improve your search engine ratings.

The key to being successful working at home is to have a positive outlook. Don't ever give up! http:www.wahmresourceplace.com/

Paula Wilson is a WAHM and the owner of WAHMResourcePlace.com

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