"Just Do It"

Written by Yolanda Shoshana

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never be anyone who gives you permission to go for what you want. It is up to you to begin to seizerepparttar day. The right time is NOW. Get rid ofrepparttar 130698 "should haves" and "could haves" There is no reason why someone else is living out your dream except forrepparttar 130699 fact that they decided to take action. Just Do It!

Intention: To day I will take steps to "doing" actions that lead me closer to my dreams becoming my reality.

Yolanda Shoshana (Shoshi) is a life strategist, consultant, speaker, and artist. Shoshi is an expert woman booster and founder of, Center of Female Empowerment(sm), a learning center launching in 2005 that uses multidisciplinary avenues to help master their lives. She also writes a titillating column for & about women, Shoshi Says. For more information: www.yolandashoshana.com

The Goddess Ala -

Written by Judi Singleton

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A Nigerian goddess of fertility. She also rulesrepparttar Underworld, and it is believed thatrepparttar 130697 souls ofrepparttar 130698 dead rest within her sacred womb. Thr cresent moon is her symbol and she is often depicted in works of art as a seated woman holding a small child in her arms. Each year her followers pay homage to her with an event known asrepparttar 130699 Yam Festival.

In Nigeria, where she is still worshipped, she has temples situated inrepparttar 130700 center ofrepparttar 130701 villages, where she has a statue surrounded byrepparttar 130702 images of other gods and animals. Amongstrepparttar 130703 Ibo people, she is one ofrepparttar 130704 most popular divinities.

About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal Goddess Gospel edition you can subscribe at http://www.motherearthpublishing.com

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