Just Breathe~ Is This Your Missing Link ?

Written by
Deborah L. Shipley, RYT

Continued from page 1

Breathing exercises are excellent tools that can even be used in everyday situations. In many instances, especially those entrenched in fear, anger, or stress, breathing will help to diffuserepparttar state of mind that may cause a reaction or statement that is contrary to a balanced way of life. The exercises can also be used before speeches or performances that may be otherwise anxiety-ridden. Breathing exercises can be used in childbirth preparation and, hopefully, during labor to reducerepparttar 128542 intensity ofrepparttar 128543 baby’s birth. The benefits of pranayama are numerous and one who exercisesrepparttar 128544 breath can only hope to have an opportunity to delve deeper into this realm that holds so much significance in our existence on this Earth.

Prana is life and pranayama is its exaltation. One should begin by becoming familiar withrepparttar 128545 breath and noticingrepparttar 128546 times whenrepparttar 128547 breath is shallow; berepparttar 128548 breath observer. It is recommended to begin breathwork with a qualified teacher (registered yoga teachers are trained in pranayama). As with anything,repparttar 128549 more one practices,repparttar 128550 more it becomes automatic and a way of life. How can we denyrepparttar 128551 breath its proper exercise and practice? The next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, remember to takerepparttar 128552 phrase “just breathe” seriously as it may be that one body-mind-spirit link that you are missing.

"Whenrepparttar 128553 breath wandersrepparttar 128554 mind also is unsteady. But whenrepparttar 128555 breath is calmed,repparttar 128556 mind too will be still, andrepparttar 128557 yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to controlrepparttar 128558 breath."(Hatha Yoga Pradipika)

Deborah L. Shipley, RYT Deborah is a Registered Yoga Teacher and a writer of the free monthly e-zine Self Esteem: Shining from Within. If you would like to contact her please visit her website: www.quizforselfesteem.com her blog hosted e-zine site: www.quizforselfesteem.blogspot.com or e-mail her at dlshipley@comcast.net

5 Tips to Make the Right Decisions in the Midst of Chaos

Written by Beth Tabak

Continued from page 1

Listen to Your Intuition~ Is this decision ego or soul driven? Is it coming fromrepparttar head orrepparttar 128540 heart? This is raising your level of consciousness and shifting from being in control to a place of trust. I had a teleclass leader at Coach U, www.coachinc.com , who said “if you can stoprepparttar 128541 chatter in your mind long enough to getrepparttar 128542 message you will find intuition is never wrong”.

Stop~ Be still, breathe, listen, be at peace, and rejuvenate. Principle 2 inrepparttar 128543 book The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, explains that “Because energy capacity diminishes both with overuse and with underuse, we must balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal.” Make decisions from a place of renewal vs. being drained.

Acts Boldly onrepparttar 128544 Important Stuff First~ When you discoverrepparttar 128545 right answers follow up with bold action trusting that you have everything within you to handle whateverrepparttar 128546 outcome. The right answers are not alwaysrepparttar 128547 easiest. Martin Luther King’s right answer took guts. Oprah’s decision to take “the high road” took guts. Know you are capable of so much more.

Imaginerepparttar 128548 transformation in your life and business if you take a moment to consciously upgrade your decisions. Try it, and let me know how it works out for you!

Copyright 2005 © Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

Beth Tabak is a Business & Life Coach, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She coaches small business owners and professionals to step out in a big, bold way to grow beyond limits, and create the life and business they keep thinking about. See what’s in it for you at http://www.startingnowcoaching.com .

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