Just ASK!

Written by Leo J Quinn Jr

Continued from page 1

If possible, before you are in a position to negotiate, review your assets and what, if anything, can you offer to them?

Being a long time customer is an asset and they don't want to lose you. Have a friend who wants to buyrepparttar same thing? Bringing a company two sales at one time is an asset. Having influence over a large group who might want to buy what they are selling is a big asset. Paying cash can be an asset.

At this writing I have 7700 subscribers to my e-zine. If I see a product onrepparttar 122637 Internet that I think might be helpful to them I'll contactrepparttar 122638 seller. I introduce myself and invite them to visit my website to establish some credibility.

I'm writing to propose a joint venture that could benefitrepparttar 122639 merchant, my subscribers and sometimes me. I explain that I would consider endorsing their product or service to my list if it is as good as advertised. If they believe in their product they usually will offer me a FREE review copy of it.

Inrepparttar 122640 last month I've gotten $1532 in value (products and services) usingrepparttar 122641 assets I've developed.

Can't come up with any assets right now? A former auto salesperson told me his simple 8-word sentence for getting discounts "Is that pricerepparttar 122642 best you can do?" Again, if you get a "no" from anyone other thanrepparttar 122643 owner or manager inrepparttar 122644 case of a mega-retailer ask, inrepparttar 122645 nicest way possible, if they could check withrepparttar 122646 owner/manager to make sure that isrepparttar 122647 best price.

In this live scenario it never hurts to be prepared to leave if they won't deal. Mention you sawrepparttar 122648 same product somewhere else imply you are going to buy one today from someone.

My students have given me many examples of negotiating discounts at places as big as Wal-Mart simply by askingrepparttar 122649 manager. The worst they can say is no.

In my live seminars I recommend never buying a NordicTrac from NordicTrac. You'll find lots of them in next to new condition inrepparttar 122650 classified section ofrepparttar 122651 newspaper. Make your calls and be sure to mention that there are a lot of them for sale. This raises strong doubt in their mind that they will be able to sell atrepparttar 122652 price they want and makes them more receptive to a lower price.

Negotiating can be fun. It doesn't have to be nerve-wracking. Merchants are used to it and you should get used to it too! Good luck and let me know how it goes for you.

Leo J. Quinn, Jr. owner of www.LeoQuinn.com is a financial educator from the Albany, NY area. For over eight years he has been helping thousands of people get control of their finances and get out of debt in a fraction of the normal time. He has a special offer for readers of this newsletter at http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/adtrack.asp?AdID=132551

The Release

Written by Heather J. Tait

Continued from page 1
Choosing to not participate is a very difficult task, one that requires great strength and adamancy. You have to first addressrepparttar issue torepparttar 122636 person affecting you, address their behavior, and then addressrepparttar 122637 action that you are going to take for yourself. Everyone has boundaries, but it is up to us to express them torepparttar 122638 person that has crossed them. Nobody is a mind reader and for even those that are, our interpretations can be misinterpreted. Say what you mean and as a follow up, follow through with what you say. This may be very difficult, especially if it means not contactingrepparttar 122639 person. But in some instances this isrepparttar 122640 best way to give someonerepparttar 122641 space they need to really see for themselves where they are going and what type of lives they are living. Some will "see" and others will spiral down intorepparttar 122642 life choices they made. What is important here though is that you protected your "self" and your "well being" from being affected by their destructive path and behavior. It doesn't mean you have to love them any less, it just means that you are loving them at a safe distance.

Artist and Inspirational Author Heather J. Tait work and articles are displayed internationally. She is the founder of Silence Speaks International Artist Association and the Editor of Intrigue Magazine. Published books include, Making Your Purpose Your Business and Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships. Email: contact@silencespeaks.com Silence Speaks http://www.silencespeaks.com

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