Japan's Greatest Lesson: Compulsory Flu Vaccine Reveals No Benefit and Deadly Side Effects

Written by Melissa Gordon

Continued from page 1

A mass study of adverse reactions againstrepparttar influenza vaccine was conducted in 1987 involving about 400,000 children. The total adverse reaction rate was 254.3 per million. (10 per million children had complained of neurological symptoms.) This study was revealing, since from 1971repparttar 114457 government of Japan had changedrepparttar 114458 flu vaccine from a whole body type to a split particle type announcing that adverse reactions were almost nothing withrepparttar 114459 new one. The previous type , used inrepparttar 114460 1960s had resulted in between 5-9 deaths occurring every year.

In 1987repparttar 114461 government changedrepparttar 114462 vaccine from compulsory to free choice. From 1972 to 1979 , a total number of 142 children and families suedrepparttar 114463 government for damages. The total number of deaths were 50, severe developmental retardation were 65, and intractable epilepsy were 35. In 1992,repparttar 114464 government lostrepparttar 114465 case inrepparttar 114466 court after about 20 years of legal proceedings.

Dr. Yamamoto, Compulsory Vaccination Conference in Naples | October 21 2004

Serious About Wanting To Improve Your Family's Healthy Eating Lifestyles?

Written by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer

Continued from page 1

The bottomline, obviously, is that our children are not gettingrepparttar nutrition and exercise they need. So, what are parents to do? Dr. Wood offersrepparttar 114456 following suggestions:

* Examinerepparttar 114457 foods that are brought intorepparttar 114458 home for their nutritional value.

* Understand how to read nutrition labels.

* Set limits on media and sedentary activities. Encourage family interaction: Does your child really need to have a TV and/or PC in his room?

* Decide, as a family project,repparttar 114459 healthy menus and healthy choices of restaurant to frequent.

* Become actively informed in your child’s school so thatrepparttar 114460 PTA and School Board may learn about your concerns regarding food choices.

If we don’t make some changes,repparttar 114461 trends of today predict that our young children will be at high risk for obesity and obesity-related health risks like heart attacks, strokes, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Encouraging good eating habits and physical lifestyle in our children starts with us,repparttar 114462 parents. This includes introducing a quality nutritional supplement program with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that are necessary protection for our children as they face more nutritional and environmental challenges than ever before.

Remember: When you are maximizing your family’s health potential, we everyone wins. When you don’t, we all lose.

© Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, and writes articles on his theme: "... helping you maximize your potential." For a more information and a free health assessment, go to http://eagibbs.Usana.com, or email him at eagibbs@ureach.com.

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