You will increase your chance of being found on search engines if you include rich keywords related to your website theme in that tag.
link.Full example below of how this process works.
Your tags:
Search Engine Optimization Secrets Revealed Now if a user founds your website on
internet say at postion five, your results will be displayed like this.
5. Search Engine Optimization Secrets Revealed Search engine optimization is fundamental to ensure better results in search engines.
Clicking on "Search Engine Optimization Secrets Revealed" will link to your website main page.
Placing some relevant keywords in
first paragraphs of your website pages can also be beneficial for ranking.
To improve your link popularity, you may also consider
points below:
(1) Get your own domain name. When your site is hosted by some of
free web hosts, you will find it very difficult to get it listed in a major directory like Yahoo!. Although Yahoo! will never admit that it won't add a commercial site which is being hosted in one of
free web hosts, in practice, it will be a miracle if you can get your site listed by Yahoo!!.
Listing your site with Yahoo! is difficult enough even when you have your own domain. Don't make your task more difficult than what it needs to be.
If you do not currently have a domain name, are you convinced that you need one right now? The small fee that you pay per year for your own domain name is peanuts compared to
benefits that you get.
(2) Write articles and get them published.
Once you have written lots of articles and get them published on a number of websites, your link popularity is going to increase dramatically even if you haven't submitted your site to search engines.
Finally, it requires time and patience before getting listed in search engines. But in
end, it will be well worth your time.
© 2003 by Jean Lam
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Zine Guru bi-monthly newsletter. To subscribe, for cutting edge internet marketing tips, tricks, techniques and secrets and receive a FREE valuable ebook on Free Traffic Generation. Check out also his internet marketing resource site at

Jean Lam publishes the Zine Guru bi-monthly newsletter. To subscribe, for cutting edge internet marketing tips, tricks, techniques and secrets and receive a FREE valuable ebook on Free Traffic Generation. Check out also his internet marketing resource site at