It´s not your lack of goals that causes a lack of success, It´s the relation between your values and your operations

Written by Kenth Bender

Continued from page 1

What do you say to yourself, when your brain is listening and sends you away to those targets? You can´t hide yourself from your brain. It doesn´t matter if you´re whispering, it doesn´t matter if you’re just “thinking.”

You are already familiar with that! That is obvious and well known torepparttar global world. Is it hard to keep your focus? Conventional goal setting is overrated. If you are surprised about that, don´t complain to ourself.

It´s a natural process that you have to consider. The problem with a lack of focus is often a consequence of a lack of motivation. A lack of motivation is more often a conflict in relation to your values than a lack of goals. Important note: There is a close relation between your values and your motivation. Just count how many times you´ve said to people, "You have to set your goals before you...?"

Honestly; how many times have you told people; "You have to go through your values to see if they are in good relation torepparttar 104800 area you intend to enter” ….well…do your math!

“Our values influence our motivation. If we don´t have strongly held values, we´ll have little motivation. If our values are strong, our motivation will be equally strong.” Andreas & Faulkner (1999).

Could a lack of focus and a lack of motivation in a higher degree explain why 95% fail with internet business? A tip, I don't think money is enough to entice, attract, or tempt those people. That only works atrepparttar 104801 very beginning. The business or life opportunities that offer have to be formed with other or complementary values. A failure of 95% is probably a lack of values, not a lack of goals or work.

So dear reader, what does it matter if we soak up tons and tons of advice, and then let it pass right throughrepparttar 104802 brain cells, without giving it a second thought? Reading advice and suggestions in business and in life isn´t enough unless we´re prepared to takerepparttar 104803 next step, and put that advice into motion.

You can make an outstanding offer, or you can enroll to a very good one, in business or in life. If your values don’t relate positively to that offer, it is hard to “sign up.” If you, against your values, acceptrepparttar 104804 offer,repparttar 104805 “reality” will knock you at your back, sooner or later. Your feelings will let you know, your stomach will begin to say, “There is something wrong. There is something you can´t handle and your motivation will be reduced more and more torepparttar 104806 final “end up.” And, here is an important distinction, if you do not succed, it will be you who will become criticized, notrepparttar 104807 offer.

There is also another point to consider. If you would like to have your motivation to be more lasting, it has to come from you inside, as you already know, but empty external offers can´t compete with that.

Outer or external offers have to bring stronger values to compete withrepparttar 104808 inner lack of motivation. No empty values, only values that can relate torepparttar 104809 individual’s model ofrepparttar 104810 world. It is fundamental you know that, becauserepparttar 104811 inner engine,repparttar 104812 inner power station can´t keep on going with lack of fuel.

If you are an opportunity-maker, it would be nice if you can spice up your offer. Because you can´t do anything about it if you don´t strengthen your opportunity, as in a higher degree fits torepparttar 104813 individual’s values and/or model ofrepparttar 104814 world. It´s onlyrepparttar 104815 individual who is inrepparttar 104816 position to compromise or change his own values.

Allrepparttar 104817 “$$$$ internet opportunities” “Guaranteed” “Free, as you have to pay for” don´t valuerepparttar 104818 potential customer, affiliate or associate in such a degree that s/he is prepared to make any changes inrepparttar 104819 first place. They deserve another input.

WYSIWYG, what you see is what you get. WYHIWYG, what you hear is what you get, WYFIWYG, what you feel is what you get, WYTIWYG, what you think is what you get, WYFIWYG, what you focus on is what you get. No one should be surprised, and we all have a choice.

That´s probably whyrepparttar 104820 world isrepparttar 104821 way it is. So then, when you like to have a lasting and/or higher degree of motivation, dissect your values and approve it to your operations orrepparttar 104822 area you intend to enter. Don´t restrict yourself until you find what you´re looking for. Ask yourself; "what do I feel, what do I hear, what do I see?" Imagine yourself working throughrepparttar 104823 entire concept. What´s important here is how you experience body/soul. Don´t forget your body. Let your body talk. Listen and takerepparttar 104824 answers seriously. You have to be honest with yourself. You can never cheat your body.

If you´re not satisfied, makerepparttar 104825 changes needed. If you´re satisfied, make your decision. Next step, set your goals and get started.

This article is free to reprint as long as you: 1. Printrepparttar 104826 article in its entirety. 2. Printrepparttar 104827 resource box withrepparttar 104828 article in its entirety. 3. Notify me if you userepparttar 104829 article. mailto:

Kenth Bender has studied Socialpsychology, Pedagocic and Specialpedagogic at the University. He is also educated in NLP and Marketing and founder of World Build It, The New MindCulture Pathway Community, Eureka of 21st Century. You can visit him at: or mail

Relocation Issues -- Who Will Pay?

Written by Steve Hall

Continued from page 1
As dastardly as it may sound, many companies are forgoing interview and relocation expenses for new employees since budgets are tight. “Let’s face it, relocation adds cost to a company’s recruiting efforts,” said Mr. Hall, “andrepparttar financial decision makers do not want to spend extra money on relocation.” So how do companies still manage to hire top talent onto their team? “They often look locally for employees first,” noted Steve. “Then a company may cover a one hundred mile radius, which is considered a commutable distance. Once these outlets are exhausted, they may launch a search in a multi-state area.” Knowing these tactics exist, perhaps job seekers would be better served to seek employment within these distances first. Or, ifrepparttar 104799 job hunter is willing to relocate, thenrepparttar 104800 individual must entertainrepparttar 104801 idea of paying their own relocation expenses. Costs for company relocation can range from $3,000 to $20,000. “Some companies are still willing to pay relocation fees,” said Mr. Hall, “because they see a good employee as a wise investment. But it is not uncommon for potential employees to pay for their own relocation these days.” It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially for job seekers who are on tight budgets themselves after a six-month to one-year or longer stint of unemployment. But cutting costs for companies now means passing it on torepparttar 104802 job seeker. Perhaps sensing desperation onrepparttar 104803 job market, companies have decided they can now ask this of potential employees, without even a nod of disapproval from anyone. What isrepparttar 104804 best approach forrepparttar 104805 job seeker who is willing to relocate in order to continue to work in their profession? “Speak to your family or those you cohabitate with first before applying to other areas, and see how they feel aboutrepparttar 104806 move,” advises Mr. Hall. “Ask some important questions of yourself. For instance, Is it within your financial budget to consider paying to move yourself and your loved ones?” Ifrepparttar 104807 answer is yes to all of these questions, Mr. Hall recommendsrepparttar 104808 job seeker proceeds with an interstate search. “Don’t wait untilrepparttar 104809 job offer appears before weighing these considerations,” he reiterated.

Steve Hall has been a professional recruiter with Find Great People International (, in Greenville, South Carolina, for 14 years. He specializes in IT and manages consultants in apparel, finance and health care. Steve has averaged a 3 to 1 interview to hire ratio, while the industry standard is 7 to 1.

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