Its 2AM, do you know where your website is?

Written by Cindy Kelly

Continued from page 1

Once I was able to step outsiderepparttar box and look atrepparttar 132435 real data that was in front of me, I decided to revamp my professional website template, include realistic, targeted keywords, develop original content based on these keywords and re-release my website torepparttar 132436 world. About 2 months after I did, I finally saw results. It worked! Search engine directory submissions and solid link campaign were next. I was so happy withrepparttar 132437 results that I decided to form my own website to teach people just like me how they too can improve search engine rankings withrepparttar 132438 right keyword search strategy. I never realized how much a keyword search strategy could benefit a website until I saw it for myself. Now, my professional website template brings targeted traffic with conversions!

Cindy Kelly is the developer of, offering search engine positioning services such as keyword identification and free webmaster tips to small businesses or individuals who want improved search engine rankings for their websites but can’t afford to work with SEO companies.

Keep It Clean. Keep it Simple

Written by Stephen Brennan

Continued from page 1

Take a look at a few ofrepparttar ‘TOP’ Internet based company’s websites like The largest image on their Home page is 6 Kb. There is no Flash no, ‘bells and whistles’. Even has one small, unobtrusive ‘flash’ component inrepparttar 132433 bottom left corner and their largest image is 18 Kb. And believe me, these two would have access to it and could afford it in truckloads.

A couple of people have been surprised to hear recently that 80 percent of private Internet users inrepparttar 132434 U.S. are still using ‘56kbps dial up modem’ connections (according to research firm Instat-MDR). So, by building a website that is only accessible in a reasonable amount of time to DSL users, you are effectively disqualifying yourself from visits by 80 percent ofrepparttar 132435 people likely to be interested in your product or service. They will not wait. There are too many other websites to choose from.

It is far more important, provided your website looks reasonable and is functional, to devote your energies to keyword rich content, site maps, privacy policies andrepparttar 132436 other standards that seem to be missing from a lot of websites. The things thatrepparttar 132437 Search Engines like to see and will reward with higher rankings. A ‘crawler’ can’t see fancy flash gizmos or premium quality images over 100 kb each. They can only seerepparttar 132438 things that make a website worthwhile to people who are looking for specific information and product with a need to navigate their way to what they want.

If you’re not selling or promoting anything and your website is simply a ‘showcase’ of some sort – fine, do whatever you like and make it as fancy and as visually rich as you like. But if you want serious visitors who are genuinely interested in what you’re selling or promoting, start withrepparttar 132439 basics first and when you have your website working effectively for you, then you can worry aboutrepparttar 132440 window dressing, if you must. But I wouldn’t bother.

Stephen Brennan is the author of ‘The Affiliate Guide Book’ – The Definitive guide to becoming a successful Internet Affiliate (at little or no cost) – available at the Home Based Business and Affiliate Center –

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