It is that time of year again...

Written by Dove

Continued from page 1

Here is a thought, look in your closet, is there a coat you don't wear anymore.....donate it, do you have some extra cash, a christmas bonus maybe, donate to your local foodbank, be fruitful this season, share what you have and even what you don't have, forrepparttar greatest give of all is love, and whatever you do this season, you have love to give and to share, spread it near and far and watch asrepparttar 110691 angels shine down upon you and fill your heart with joy. YOU, can berepparttar 110692 light in someone elses life this year and in turn you may findrepparttar 110693 light in yours. Sad and lonely as this time of year may be for some, remember, there are those that have far less than you, andrepparttar 110694 sadness that fills their lives isrepparttar 110695 lack of daily survival necessities. Give hilariously, laugh inrepparttar 110696 face of sadness for happiness and joy comes from sharing with others. Share your heart and your love and whatever else you can give, for whatever you give, you will get in return.

"We not only live among men, but there are airy hosts, blessed spectators, sympathetic lookers-on, that see and know and appreciate our thoughts and feelings and acts." Henry Ward Beecher

Happy Holidays To All and mayrepparttar 110697 blessings ofrepparttar 110698 season fill your life, your heart and your home.

Dove is a cloumnist for She is 47 and lives in Oaklahoma.

Using Music To Calm Your Baby

Written by Emanuele Accenti

Continued from page 1

Besidesrepparttar music that you yourself can introduce your baby to, there are hundreds of CDs onrepparttar 110690 market today that are filled with baby songs and lullabies. Atrepparttar 110691 end ofrepparttar 110692 day you may want to play a CD of quiet baby songs that have a slower beat. There are so many CDs for you to choose from that you will have a hard time making up your mind. Choose something that interests you. Many baby CDs will have lullabies and faster beat songs onrepparttar 110693 same CD.

Playing music has other benefits besides soothing your fussy, crying baby. These benefits include:

•Babies are introduced to musical sounds. •Music enhances your baby’s behavior and cognitive skills. •Relieves stress forrepparttar 110694 entire family. •Will stimulate curiosity and an interest in music.

Take time to find a variety of music CDs for your baby to listen to. You’ll soon notice which music your baby is most drawn to and can use that music when he is particularly fussy or is crying.

Emanuele Accenti is the author of the best-selling Ebook "Babies First Year - What Every Parents Need To Know" - and offers a free newsletter for new parents

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