It Really Is Simple RSS

Written by Tony Dean

Continued from page 1

'News Feeds' are readable in a software called a 'News Reader', these are usually free to download and use right away to look at some ofrepparttar feeds that are out there. There are directories for feeds which you can visit and get some addresses of some suitable ones to read each day, some of these feeds are more like 'blogs' in that, they changerepparttar 118591 contents several times a day, which gives a feed a 'fresher' feel to it, and whichrepparttar 118592 search engines like to see. They also would like to see web site owners re-freshing there web site contents on at least a daily basis, it does help with ranking.

It has been slated thatrepparttar 118593 next incarnations of browser will be 'feed' compatible, they will be reading 'news feeds' as well as viewing web sites. When this does happenrepparttar 118594 'information revolution' will be really turned full on! Any one, even you, can set up a 'news feed', it really is simple, and if you don't set one up, you are going to be likerepparttar 118595 only person in your street who does not have television or radio, you are going to miss out onrepparttar 118596 'information revolution', big time!

Tony Dean runs a web site selling ebooks and software and is author of the ebook:- "Really Simple RSS" which can be got together with a feed reader from:-

Yahoo! and Earthlink

Written by Michelle

Continued from page 1

Customer loyalty is something that Yahoo! has down to a fine art, and it is this that will mean that Yahoo! will win out over its rivals inrepparttar end.

Yahoo!’s ventures into partnerships with DSL providers such asrepparttar 118590 UK’s BT, Roger’s in Canada and of course,repparttar 118591 US’s SBC, will help Yahoo! to capitalize on this customer loyalty and earn a steady income based on its excellent services. The great branded toolsets that Yahoo! offers to its DSL customers (portal services, popup blockers, spam blockers, parental controls, integrated messaging, search and a host of other integrated services – all for a comparatively very low total Broadband cost), again, excellently engineered, giverepparttar 118592 Yahoo! brandrepparttar 118593 quality reputation it deserves and places Yahoo! nicely to take over many disgruntled AOL customers, who find that they have to pay for AOL on top ofrepparttar 118594 cost of their broadband services, and that AOL slows down their PCs so much thatrepparttar 118595 advantage of using broadband is much diminished.

The recent rumour that Yahoo! and Earthlink are in talks is extremely exciting for anyone watching both companies. In Earthlink, Yahoo! would find a partial answer to its quest to acquire more customers who use Yahoo! to connect torepparttar 118596 internet, and are willing to pay forrepparttar 118597 excellence ofrepparttar 118598 Yahoo! experience.

Earthlink also has an excellent product set (including some ofrepparttar 118599 best onrepparttar 118600 market - Accelerator, Parental controls, Virus blocker, Spam blocker, popup blocker, spyware blocker, scamblocker and privacy tools) which would complementrepparttar 118601 Yahoo! set of products dramatically.

And, of course, both companies are very interested in venturing further intorepparttar 118602 provision of better email tools – especially client-based email toolsets.

Earthlink’s troubles with “churn” (customer turnover) would be eradicated byrepparttar 118603 customer loyalty associated withrepparttar 118604 Yahoo! brand. Yahoo!’s marketing team would be a great asset to Earthlink – as would Yahoo!’s sales force – who could capitalize onrepparttar 118605 lost opportunity that is Earthlink’s. Earthlink’s revenues from advertising, content and commerce are lousy in comparison to what they could be givenrepparttar 118606 Yahoo! treatment! There is a great amount of synergy betweenrepparttar 118607 two companies – both see their mission as customer-oriented – Earthlink’s mantra is “Earthlink revolves around you”, and has 5 million subscribers, while “Yahoo!” wants to be seen asrepparttar 118608 consumer’s “best friend”. Each has bases in Atlanta and in California, both have a laid back, informal (no ties – shorts and t-shirts) culture – and both have excellent professional engineers who really knowrepparttar 118609 technical side ofrepparttar 118610 Internet, and are keen to make customers happy.

Both companies have a base of engineers who are well-versed inrepparttar 118611 more “open” technologies (i.e. not simply focusing on Microsoft software), which is key to gaining and retaining customers inrepparttar 118612 Unix and Mac realms. Both are looking into more open solutions (using XUL,repparttar 118613 Mozilla-sponsored open object manipulation standard, which offersrepparttar 118614 potential for connection-less rich content across platforms) for messaging, wireless and mobile technologies in a big way.

While I recognize my message is an old one – George Mannes was telling Yahoo! to buy Earthlink in 2001 – I believerepparttar 118615 time is right now for both companies to makerepparttar 118616 big move. So it will be interesting to watch them overrepparttar 118617 next few weeks.

Michelle is an Ebusiness Consultant and writer with 16 years experience - mainly in Internet /ISP / Ecommerce projects

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