It's Up To You!

Written by Jerry Lunsford

Continued from page 1

It is impossible for a person to succeed if they quit. If your mowing your lawn andrepparttar lawnmower runs out of gas do you just quit. (some of us would like to) No. You fill it with gas and finishrepparttar 120148 job. In our daily lives we are faced with obstacles throughoutrepparttar 120149 day. But because these obstacles are so familiar to us we overcome them without a thought. Because running a business is so unfamiliar to most of usrepparttar 120150 obstacles we face appear daunting. Remember your lawn mower running out of gas? You solvedrepparttar 120151 problem by filling it up with gas. You didn't turn it upside down then try and start it. You didn't put water in it then try and start it. None of that would have worked. You did what had to be done to make it work. You put gas in it. When you didrepparttar 120152 right thing you were rewarded with a working lawn mower.

The same goes for your business. If you are not getting very many if any hits to your website that becomes an obstacle. Analizerepparttar 120153 situation, and if you do not know what to do seekrepparttar 120154 advice of those who do and then follow through with that advice. If one person was successful implementing that advice then so can everyone else who applies that same advice. That isrepparttar 120155 way life works. Everything has it's own way to it. All things must be done in a certain manner. The moment you go against it you start to encounter problems.

If you choose to either follow bad advice or choose not to follow good advice then you have maderepparttar 120156 choice as to what will become of your business. Your success or failure is no ones fault but your own. Implement a marketing plan, (Setting Goals for Yourself) follow good sound advice, be patient, and you will succeed. No matter what you are up against. No matter how many other people are doing exactlyrepparttar 120157 same thing you are doing. No matter how rich, poor, ugly, pretty, short, fat, tall, etc... you can succeed because..... It's all up to you!

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Pay-Per-Click Fraud Exposed--Part II

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

Do you honestly think newspaper, magazine, radio or tv advertisers would just sit back and let those media get away with blatantly stealing their money? You know they wouldn't.

Then why do pay-per-click advertisers allow it? I don't knowrepparttar exact answer to that question, but I have my theories: First of all, you're talking about a whole different level of sophistication with pay-per-click advertisers, compared to media advertisers. Many pay-per-click advertisers don't even know how to access or even analyze their log files, so they have no idea how much money is actually being stolen from them.

In addition, some pay-per-click advertisers are making more money than they've ever made before. And rather than upsetrepparttar 120147 apple cart, they'd rather keep quiet and allowrepparttar 120148 vicious cycle of click fraud to continue, so that they can keep cashing those big checks.

I also suspect many advertisers are afraid that if they complain too loudly, they may be penalized inrepparttar 120149 search engines, in regard to their free listings.

If my theories are accurate, silence is one heck of a trade off, if you ask me. Why? Because according to a report on MediaPost, an online study done by Clicklab revealed that fraudulent clicks can account for more than 50 percent of your total clicks.

So, ifrepparttar 120150 goal of pay-per-click search engines is to bring lucrative, targeted traffic to your web site, what arerepparttar 120151 pay-per-click search engines doing aboutrepparttar 120152 click fraud epidemic, to prevent abuse that needlessly drive up your costs and reduce your ROI?

Unfortunately, since so many pay-per-click advertisers are willing to playrepparttar 120153 role of "lambs going to slaughter,"repparttar 120154 pay-per-click companies really don't have to do anything.

Inrepparttar 120155 meantime, your ROI is going to continue to plummet, andrepparttar 120156 pay-per-click companies are going to continue to milk those cash cows (AKA) pay-per-click advertisers, for all they're worth!

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

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